its almost time!!!!!
Well its about time that I take a look at the list again. Tomorrow is Wednesday… I am so glad that I made it to the middle of the week… it seemed to take forever. Chris flies in 3 days from now… 3 DAYS and I am so excited!!!! I can’t wait to see him, knowing that this time I won’t have to say goodbye to him. But it isn’t that I don’t have to say any goodbyes. This time I have to say goodbye to my family and my friends. My mum, my father, Allison, Rebecca, David and the great friends that I have here… Nina, Ashley and her darling baby Evan, Kersey, John, Sabrina… so many people that I am going to be saying goodbye to. Chris said that he knew I was giving up a lot moving down to NC with him. I guess I never really thought about it til he said that. Though in all honesty I don’t feel like I am giving up anything, I feel like I am growing up. This is the next logical step in life, growing up and seperating from family and starting my own life.
Yes… I am scared. Its a huge step and as close as I have come to it so many times before I have never been this close… I have never been 5 days away, but I have also never been more happy in my whole life. I have never felt more secure. I feel strong, I feel in control and though I have been having lapses into my frailness of the problems that I have dealt with in my life I still feel like this is something I can handle and something that I can deal with. Looking back on my life, on past entries, I don’t think that I could have handled this before, but 2007 was a year of major internal growth and I am so much more confident in myself and in my future then I have ever been. And that was what I was missing in my life before, confidence. I thought of myself as this weak, fragile, disaster of a girl and I can almost see the strong adult woman that I think I was destined to become.
Its strange to look back on all the mistakes and failures that I made and yet here I find myself with the most amazing man, with friends that I hope stay in my life forever, a closer bond with my family and a future life that is looking better then I ever dreamed that it could be. Despite all the bad things that I did I must have done something right to deserve what I have. Karma is handing me things that I never thought I would recieve and I am grateful. Honestly and humbly grateful. I hope that my life continues down the road that it has been and I know that most of that is in my hands but these hands of mine are more capable then they have ever been and when those hands become slippery and I think that I can’t hold on I have Chris and my friends and my family to help me.
And that means more to me then anything.
And I see that I have totally meandered from the list so once again lets get back to that….
Find someone to move my crap to North Carolina -
Get Aurora fixed(not happening before the move) - Get Aurora and Riku caught up at the vet and get a copy of their records to take with me
- Cancel my cell phone
Go through all my old clothes, keep what I want, sell what I can to Plato’s Closet, goodwill the rest -
Go through everything in my closet and storage what needs it and pack the rest - Change my car over into my name
- Apply to UNC at Pembroke
Take the Praxis(not worrying about that now) -
Tell WCN when my last day will be - Pay off all my outrageous medical bills (still going)
- Attempt to pay off the laptop (still going)
- Pack… pack… pack (almost done)
- <font style="background-col
or: #000000″ color=”#3366ff”>Pay off my Target card (still going)
Looking good… but I only have 5 days left to get it all done lol.
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
I was so scared when I moved to Colorado. But I didn’t think of it as giving up my family either.
You’re totally right it’s just growing up! I’m so excited for you!
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WOW 5 more days! Im sure they will fly by. RYN: Yeah there is a mall in RI that is 4 floors.We dont make malls that big around here.
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so i read on sweet tams diary that youre around ft bragg. im here too. congrats on getting ready to move in with chris.
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Leave me the NC address. I BROKE the zipper foot to my machine…..that’s all I have left, but a friend is going to put it in for me on her machine tommorrow but it wouldn’t go out until Friday. I will express/priority it to NC! It is super cute!
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well hope you two have fun…Draco…
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ONE MORE DAY !!!!!!!!!!
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