happy anni to us!
Ok… its so close now that I can almost feel his arms around me. He leaves to come to Jersey for the weekend after he gets off work tomorrow! I am so excited. I have been cleaning my room and getting ready for him to come. I am so excited, I don’t know how I am going to sit through work tomorrow. I know that he isn’t going to get here til 11pm or later but I don’t care, I am SO EXCITED!
I can’t wait for this weekend with him. Its going to be crazy because we have so much planned but its going to be fun too! I can’t believe how long its been since I’ve seen him, feels like forever even though its only been about a month. Today also marks 5 months since Chris and I have been together, 2 of which we have been engaged! I can’t believe how fast time has gone by but I guess time goes by fast when all you do is wait for time to go by. Its sad to think that out of these 5 months that we have been together we have seen each other for maybe a month and the rest of it has been spent 7 hours away from each other….. its weird to think of it that way. Weird and kinda sad. I’ve spent more of our relationship missing him then I have actually been with him. No wonder I am so emotional all the time. SUCKS!
Come the 23rd we are a month from living together. I am slowly paying off some bills here and there. I just paid Target a huge chunk of change today… too bad I still owe them double what I paid today. Heh. I meant to pay the rest of the cell phone bill today but oh well… I am half tempted to just wait on paying bills so I can take Aurora and Riku to the vet but I don’t know. I need to shop around on where to get her fixed and I know that the vet is going to ask for about $200 and that is just way more then I can afford to spend on her.
I almost can’t think straight because I know that he will be almost here come this time tomorrow…..
Ugh… hurry up time!
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
have fun!
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Have an awesome weekend together~!
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awe I’m so excited for you!!! <3
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Happy Anniversary!!!! Have you checked with your local human society about having them fixed? I know that back in Oregon they have reduced rates to have your pets fixed since it is so high to do through your vet. And I know my vet does it by referal from the human society at cost incases where the owner can’t afford it.
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=] x
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