everything seems to be falling in place
So summer is finally almost over. My birthday is tomorrow… I turn 23 heh. I feel so old. So far for my birthday I got b-day wishes from Rob, my laptop and a photo printer from Chris, a dresser from my parents, and my grammommy just told me that she is sending me a card with money. Everything that I have gotten so far is perfect. I am not really expecting anything great to happen tomorrow. My mum might make a cake but thats about it. My birthdays are never anything special. I still have to get up at 5am and go to work and then begin the process of moving things around in my room so that I am ready for school.
I finally got to register for classes yesteday. All I have left are 5 classes and then I can finally graduate from CCC!!! I am so flipping excited about that. I have to start looking into transfer schools (Rowan, Rutgers, and maybe some in New York just incase by some miracle that Rob’s next duty station is Fort Drum.) I want to send out apps by the end of September. Registering didn’t take as long as I thought it would and I got all 5 classes that I need. So my class schedule goes
American Literature 1 – 12:00-12:50pm, Math Systems II – 1:00-1:50pm, and on Wednesday only Public Speaking – 8:00-10:30pm.
Health & Wellness – 8:00-9:15am, Math Systems 1 – 12:30-1:45.
So there are my 5 classes. I am loving that Mon, Wed, and Fri I don’t have to get up early at all since my first class isn’t until 12! Though Wednesdays are going to be long because right after school I will have work and then back to school for a class that I am going to hate because I hate public speaking, but oh well. After this… I am done! So I am all set… books bought, classes set…. all I need now are school supplies and I am such a little kid when it comes to that… I love buying school supplies.
I won’t be getting the supervisor position at my job because of my classes running so late, but there is nothing that I can do about that and I am going to be looking for a new job anyway or a second job so I can make some actual money since I only have one semester so far. I’m going to be really busy with everything that I have going on, but that will help the time pass so much faster and that is all that I am really worried about. And… if I don’t have any classes when March comes around the only time that I won’t be glued to Rob’s side is when I have work for 4 hours….. I am loving the way this has all worked out even though I am sure that I will drive Rob crazy, but I miss him so much and I just want to spend as much time with him as possible.
Rob and I have been texting a lot. He just moved to a new place and I get his new addy so I have to send him a letter next week and maybe it will find its way there about the same time Rob does. He sent me a message the other day that said… "next year I will do it lol" and when I asked him about it he said that he doesn’t remember sending it or what the "it" is that he was talking about. *sigh* He also said that he is mailing me some things… I am really excited about that since it will be the first thing that I have gotten from him besides letters since he has been there.
I guess thats all there really is to say. Rob and I are doing well, month 5 is almost here, school is set, my birthday is tomorrow, work and real money are starting up soon… yeah thats it.
Summer book list
1. Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul… 307 pages
2. Twilight (book 1) by Stephenie Meyer… 498 pages
3. New Moon (book 2) by Stephenie Meyer… 567 pages
4. Eclipse (book 3) by Stephenie Meyer… 629 pages
5. Echohawk by Lynda Durrant… 12 pages in
6. True Magick: A beginner’s guide by Amber K… 4 pages in
7. Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz… 283 pages in
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA~! Congrats on starting your last 5 classes.I hope you get into school where ever you really want to go. Ive heard about alot of people moving over there..that must be so annoying since all of them had started to settle into the places already.
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happy birthday <3 im glad you got all of your classes =]
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow chickie. Goodluck with the school applications. Em
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Glad your excited about school
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Happy Birthday!! good to hear things are going well
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happy birthday darling!!! i love yoooou! <33 xXxXxXxXx
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Confused? well yea I guess being an old maid and all. (happy huggle birthday) I was in a strange mood and I had a thought and went with it. But yes I am ok. …and with hammer to anvil, he continued the
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Happy Birthday!
Good luck with your schedule; mine has been a real pain to figure out with classes… argh.
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hey i know it’s late now but HAPPY BIRTHDAY. you’re an august baby like me. mine’s the 9th. sorry i haven’t been around much. just getting back into being on here and reading faves and noting.
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you should take the day off on your birthday thats my birthday ritual.
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really belated happy birthday
glad everything is working out *hugs*
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happy belated birthday hun…mine is the 13th of september i’ll be 23 too lol !! we’re old together <333333333
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