crazy busy whirlwind
Things have been so crazy and I’m sorry that I haven’t been on as much as I usually am. I have been so busy with work and my birthday and getting everything ready for school. Hmm…. what has been going on…
My birthday started off like every other day… Amanda wished me a happy birthday first, but I haven’t heard anything else from her??, and Rob wished me a happy birthday right after her… who else… Chris, Army Chris, Nicole, Jon, John, and a whole bunch of myspace friends… yeah. I got a lot of really awesome things this year… the laptop was an earlier present, a photo printer, a bluetooth ear piece, some socks, a book, a dresser, $100, some art stuff, an external hard drive, and my car PAID OFF!!!!!! So all in all it was a great birthday. The only thing that would have made it better would have been Rob getting to share it with me. Army Chris wished me a happy birthday about 5 times throughout the day and he sent me 2 songs that he sang. One was him playing guitar and singing happy birthday and the other was a cover of one of my favorite songs "Vulnerable" by Secondhand Seranade.
Chris came over and we had a birthday dinner on my actual birthday with my family. Then Thursday and Friday I worked. Friday night Chris and Sam took me out to dinner at the Habachi. I love eating there and I had a pretty good time even though Chris made me a bit upset but other then that it was fun. The Saturday I was supposed to take Chris to his foot appt. but he messed up the time and ended up being a half hour late so we went to Ikea instead. I went around Ikea with Chris for about 3 hours trying to figure out how to reorganize my room. I ended up buying a $40 bookcase, a $10 desk organizer, a $30 glass top for the desk ($169) that I tried to get that they were all out of… I ended up going to Conchahoken which was a hour and 20min drive in traffic. Chris bought me a $80 little cart with 2 drawers that is on wheels and even fits under the desk. So Saturday was spent moving everything around and disassembling my old desk. Sunday was the drive to pick up the desk (which has to go back because part of it is damaged) but after Chris and I got back the rest of the time was spent assembling more furniture, moving everything, washing clothes, taking my old desk up the flight of steps to my brothers room. And after all of that I am still not done…. my room is a mess and there are odds and ends everywhere waiting for me to find them a new home.
So now I have the rest of the week to finish my room… the weekend, then Monday is my one and only real day of summer because I won’t have work or school and then come Tuesday classes start. Chris is helping me set up my printer and move everything around. I lost some floor space but otherwise I love all of it! Its perfect!
Summer book list
1. Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul… 307 pages
2. Twilight (book 1) by Stephenie Meyer… 498 pages
3. New Moon (book 2) by Stephenie Meyer… 567 pages
4. Eclipse (book 3) by Stephenie Meyer… 629 pages
5. Echohawk by Lynda Durrant… 12 pages in
6. True Magick: A beginner’s guide by Amber K… 4 pages in
7. Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Faria Stolarz… 283 pages in
good to hear you had a good birthday
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Glad you had a great birthday! You gotta share a pic of your room when its done~!
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Glad to hear that your doing so well. …and with hammer to anvil, he continued the
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Gavin them home always makes it better! *hugs* but glad you had a good birthday!
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Happy late birthday! I’m glad it was a good one. ~Lana
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glad your birthday was good, and the stuff sounds pretty awesome for ya room!! <33 xxxxxxxxxx
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hey love, still at ccc? haha
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glad you had a good birthday! and i hope your “only real day of summer” was fun!
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ryn: haha yeah me too! i only have 4 classes left. What days will you be there? We should get lunch or something like “old” times. HA!
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Happy Birthday
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glad your birthday was awsome and have fun reorginizing
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