belated happy 4th!!!
So yeah.. this is a little late but I wanted to wish everyone a very happy 4th of July. Things are starting to settle down here. We haven’t really done much more in the way of unpacking but we are slowly getting every squared away. Chris and I share the bank account now and I am going to be sending off the paperwork to get my name changed… which I am super excited about. We started getting organized as far as the bills are concerned and its nice to have someone that is so great about doing things together and talking about everything.
I finally got to pick up my wedding ring for the store since it needed to be sized and cleaned and OMG its amazing. I find myself staring at my engagement and wedding ring all the time! I will have to post a pic of them soon.
I have been getting closer and closer and Candice, one of the wives of one of the band members, so its good to knwo that I am starting to make friends. I am thinking about meeting some other Army wives tonight actually but I haven’t decided if I am going to go or not, I have heard that Bragg isn’t exactly the best place to make friends… its kinda like high school and there is a lot of talk and rumors and drama and I don’t know if I am ready to deal with all of that. The Bragg girls from SG are asking about meeting up soon and I have a feeling that I am going to be hanging out with them at some point this week which will be nice to have some more girl friends to hang around and talk to.
I am also pretty much set up in the life of a house wife. I have been cooking and cleaning and doing laundry and all that sort of thing and it all has come naturally, I am never stressed about it and I like being able to do things around the house. I mean, its my house, not my parents house so I am a lot more motivated when it comes to cleaning and doing the things that you have to do to keep a house running.
Chris and I have officially been married 1 week as of yesterday… and all I can say is it has been the best week of my entire life!
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
aww, good luck!
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Happy 4th to you! I’m glad you’re so happy!
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Glad to hear things are going good and that your madly in love!!!!!
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glad to hear that things are going so great for you!!
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