back on the path
For the life of me I can’t remember what my last entry was about so I will have to go back and read it.
Heh… silly me.
News… updates…. what has been going on.
I got the babysitting job that I interviewed for last weekend. I am going over to their house this Thursday to meet the children. Five month old twin girls and a 5 year old with Asperger’s syndrome. I am excited about meeting the kids and starting work. It will be nice to be bringing in money to. Sure I wish that I could be bringing in more money with a real job but if I plan on starting school in January then I don’t know what the point of having a real job would be. I’m still hoping that someplace calls me though. Maybe I should resubmit my applications.
Things are becoming a bit more stable financially. I am pretty much out of debt as far as the debt that I brought into this relationship so now we can work on paying off the Saturn and the loan that Chris took out. Then we can work on fixing his car since it needs a new bumper and drivers side mirror and paint on the passenger’s side. As far as debt is concerned we aren’t over $20,000 so we can work towards paying that off. And none of it is past due, so that is helpful. We are still researching banks to start a savings account in. That may take some time.
I have also gotten back into Wicca. Its about time, I have been slacking on it so. A Pagan group started in the area that I would like to go check out. I have a feeling it will be nothing like my old coven from Jersey, but who knows. Maybe it will be better. Its nice to get back into the Craft. Its hard to be away from it. I have been studying and writing in my BOS finally. I have a long way to go but with time I hope to get back to where I once was. I have been looking for online Wicca groups because I have a feeling that some things will need discussion, but I will do what I can on my own.
Tropical Storm Hanna was just here the other night. Nothing bad, we just had a lot of heavy rain and some wind. Ike is the next storm coming this way but it seems it is going to hit Florida.
Good for us…. bad for Florida.
I can’t believe how close October is already. All Hallow’s Eve and other things that come in October….
Guess I should be used to it by now but it hits me everytime. *sigh*
And I swear if the elephants upstairs don’t stop stomping around I am going to lose my ever loving mind…. bloody hell… they get on my nerves. Try to meditate and then STOMP STOMP STOMP… right through my concentration.
I don’t see what they could be doing at 2am?!
I guess that is enough for now… maybe I should try and sleep or something…….
Oh… I am going to be going through my favorites list and deleting people. I have so many favorites and most of them don’t even post anymore so its time to do some cleaning out of the lists. Besides there are people on my list of whom I am not on theirs and it seems only fair to be on each others… def time for a cleaning!
The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun – Celtic Women
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
Hi…thanks for the note on mine…We both are going nuts. I never knew there were this many military people on OD. Its comforting. Thanks again for the note. Sara
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COngrats on the job. I am sure that will be a nice help on your debt.
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Have fun with the Pagan group! I’m thinking of starting a women’s group here because I miss practicing with others. It sounds like you’ve got so much positive stuff going on in your life right now. That’s wonderful!
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RYN: I’m afraid my relationship won’t last this as well, but what can I do? My options seem to be living in misery, giving up without giving him a chance, or do it this way and hope for the best. It’s the only option that leaves for a positive outcome where I’m still with him, so I’ve got to at least try. Trying is better than giving up, right?
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I still read and note sometimes…Just dont have anything interesting to write about right now…LOL!!!
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Oi ! I actually read this when you posted it I hit “random” out of all the people ;-D I was too sleepy to think then though… time does fly, I can’t believe it myself.
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its probably best not to think about what the elephants do, it might be one of those things that you dont want to see in your head. ha and ive opened a savings account with ING called an Orange account, and its got one of the highest interest return rate that i could find, and no fees! best of luck, pagan beauty. love, m.
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