and another weekend looms….
I am about to start reading the series again… the love in this series just gets me every time. One of the few books that were able to make me cry, many times.
Anyway…. so time is still ticking by ever so slowly. Atleast tomorow is Friday and I only have to worry about getting through next week because the week after that will be busy as all hell, 2 graduations, Chris flying in, trucks to obtain, packing, last minuet details, saying goodbye to friends and family…. I’m sure that week will fly but next week is a full week of nothing but annoying godawful days that are in my way and that are keeping me from moving and being where I want to be. UGH!!!!!
Rob is home…. deployment is over for him and he has been texting me. I didn’t even know that he still had my number.
I am still not in the best of moods and I just don’t know how to get out of this funk. I know that I am just missing Chris and its so close to the time that we will be living together that I am just impatient… I know that is the majority of my problem but AHHHH if time doesn’t just drag on endlessly. And since tomorrow is Friday… that means another weekend is coming up and as great as that is that there will just be 1 more weekend between us and when we get to see each other again it also means that there will be another reason where I feel left out and forgotten. Every weekend that comes I just dread because Chris and I hardly ever talk and I just sit around wondering what he is doing and if he is missing me and just plain pissed and sad that he is having a life and I am sitting at home wishing that I was part of that life. It almost feels like we are totally seperate on the weekends. *sigh* Not that many more weekends to go though.
Atleast Army Wives 2nd season starts on Sunday. I am so excited and I will be glued to my tv watching that come 10pm. I am so excited!!!! Totally addicted to that show.
I am so not looking forward to the weekend at all…. short of that 1 hour I will be watching Army Wives. Heh.
I have 11 more days of work to get through and 2 more weekends…. *sigh*
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
LOL I watched the whole first season this week and can’t wait until Sunday either!
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Omg. I watched the series last year, when my dad was in Iraq. I love that movie. Did you see the series finale though? Its incredibly sad- and I didnt think what happened was gonna die. I cant say much, cause I dont want to ruin it by accident.
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I’m missing Army Wives? Suck! Why did Caelan have to cancel the cable?!? And I think I need to do some serious catching up with you girl! I seem to have lost a lot of the details here. I’ve just been living in craziness! Sounds like you have been too!
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