Always Greener

Sometimes events happen that hurt us,

destroy our happiness,

shatter our dreams,

we long for that perfect life,

the lives that we think we see in others,

we look at ourselves and see nothing,

uglyness, misfourtune, despair,

but when we look at others,

we see them loving every second,

see how perfect their lives are,

life is always greener on the other side,

but that is seldom true,

you don’t know what happens behind closed doors,

the skeletons they hide in their closet,

you don’t see their frustration,

they hide it so well,

we all must learn to be happy with oursleves,

to change the things we are not happy with,

to expand on the things we are,

life will not wait,

it will move forward without us,

we have to make do,

you never know,

your side may be greener then you think.

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