a bit late I know
And still I am slacking with my updates… though it doesn’t help that I couldn’t even log on for a couple days. Grrrrr to OD being down… I was going into withdrawl lol!
Well Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone, even though I am a day late. Oops! I would have been on yesterday if it wasn’t for the fact that I had a horrible headache when I got home and went right to bed. Ugh… it felt like someone was squeezing my brain in a vice. Eeeek!
I have been super busy with work. Well work times 2! I love my little daycare kids. They are SO cute and they listen for the most part. I just wish that I had more for them to do but my classroom is so small and we just don’t have the toys or room for them to play and I have already spent an entire paycheck on them… so that is something that is going to have to wait. I realized that I am really going to miss those kids when I move to North Carolina, but that isn’t going to stop me from moving… I will just have to get another job at a daycare and find some more kids to look after!!!
Chris and I have been good. He has been so involved with my moving down there… looking at movers and colors and appliances and furniture… he is so cute! I love that he is so excited about me coming down there. He also got me flowers for Valentine’s Day… and not the cliche red roses (which I HATE btw) but purple lilies! They arrived the day before Valentine’s Day and were closed… so I took a picture of them that way.
this is what they looked like after they spent a day in the sun
and a close up
So that was my Valentine’s Day present! I love love love the flowers… the most amazing flowers that I have ever had in my entire life! I really don’t have much else to add right now. I guess I am losing my will to write or something like that… I don’t know. Maybe this being sick for a month plus now is really taking its toll on me. I will try to update again soon.
… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true!
… music is my life
aw they are sooo pretty! So are you when are you moving down there?
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Pretty!! Those are some pretty sensational flowers! Hugs,
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I absolutely LOVE lilies and those are so gorgeous!!! <3
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awesome flowers!!!
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The flowers look awsome!
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I’m really sorry I couldn’t be there babe, but I’m glad you liked the flowers :-*
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those flowers are pretty
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