Who decided to make life so hard? Sometimes I wonder the answer to that question. The world is not structured…
Here I am a college student, someone trying to further their life, but I am struggling. I have no money, I live with my parents, I usually have to decide between food or gas, it is impossible to save money because as soon as I come into some another bill comes in the mail. I live every day in this never ending cycle. I need clothes, I need new shoes, I need $5 for my perscription and its sad, but I don’t have it. So I guess today is between BC perscription or gas. Gas wins again.
I know that part of the reason I struggle is because I have a car. A nice car that I love. It sucks away most of my money. Another reason is that I have a cell phone, and the main reason. . . I live in New Jersey. NJ has decided to make car insurance astronamically priced, apartments are expensive and keep going up. Three years ago I could move into a decent 1 bdr apartment for about $400 with some utilities included. Now for the same apartment the price is a little over $675 and less utilities are included.