28 Letters – Day Three: Parents

Dear Momma and Daddy,

I haven’t written a letter to the both of you since I was a little girl. Ever since you got divorced when I was 10, I have always had letters or gifts for my momma, OR for my daddy. You were very good at making sure I knew you were still my parents, and you both loved me, but I guess I have always seperated you in my mind.

I have always been pretty close to both of you. Many of my friends and our family members have told me that I am a momma’s girl AND a daddy’s girl. I love that about us! Through the years I spent alone time with each of you, and we had our own traditions and routines. You had different parenting styles, different opinions, and different rules, but one thing you always agreed on was David and I came first. You always made sure we had what we needed, and most of the time what we wanted. You made me work for things, you gave me boundaries (even though I tested them from time to time), and you gave me freedom to be the crazy little girl, defiant teenager and become the independent woman I am. The number of hours you each spent taking me to my acting and dancing things are numerous.

Daddy – you sat in the passenger seat of your own car as I crashed it into the side of a building when I was 15 and you never even raised your voice. For the record, my child will never be allowed to drive a car, let alone MY car, at that age. I think they don’t give permits to 15 year olds anymore. I think that is very wise. Momma – I know I gave you more than one sleepless night while I was in high school, staying out until early morning. I never wanted to worry you, but you knew as well as I did that I have always been one to follow my heart, and in retrospect, maybe you did have good reason to be worried. Again, as an adult, I do think about some of those unanswered pages, and tearful phone calls, and I wish I could have prevented you from feeling the way you did.

As an adult you have always supported me, sometimes financially and always emotionally. You’ve seen me laugh, cry, yell, shut down completely, and everything in between, and you never gave up on me. I hope I have made you proud, and I hope you are both around for many many years to come… you really are a part of me, and not a day goes by that I am not thankful that I can call you my parents.

I love you forever!



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July 30, 2010

Aww, very nice! I’m impressed with your dad’s self control… How did you end up crashing into the side of the building? If I ever have a kid, dad is doing driving lessons. Whoever dad may be.

July 30, 2010

I think I need to start this letters challenge thing thats going around! props to your dad for keeping his cool when you crashed your car into the side of a building. and PS, that sounds like a story I’d really like to hear… haha!