Moving Soon.

Looking around myself I grow tired and sick of my surroundings. 

Feeling newness within myself and wanting to see that same newness in the walls that I call Home. 
Wanting my very surroundings and the very light switches i touch to emit my true self
and all that I have become. 
feel no shame in my step. 
move with purpose.
sleep with no regret. 
living my life.
step by step.
slow when i want to watch. 
race when i want to forget.
fall when i want to be kept.
freeze myself cold.
work myself hot into a sweat.
Freedom and joy
with each and every step.
I want to build myself away from here. 
away where things are more like what’s inside of me.
waves that rock
heavy and heavy and heavy
i am the Sea.
I’d like to take a chance.
to take a change..
to leave this small heap.
to leave this small brown box. 
to take that leap.
to let it be… 
to trust in things my eyes cannot see… 
but that my mind will always touch. 
Jumping with such force!
Bridges sway..
wake the storms!
i have found an emotion ohhh so strong that it
tempts even ME to move.
….is this Love?

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