The Plan
Ok, so I’ve gained some weight because of the holidays- and I’m not liking this extra buldge… The plan is to stick with my good eating habits and get my ass on wii fit- because I cant gym until my cast is gone. Technically, I can, but I dont wanna risk it smelling worse with sweat and that’ll totally skeeve me out- haha. Wii fit at least I can get exercise in but it doesnt make me break out in sweat as much. I also dont hafta worry about other people lookn at me as though Im crazy because of my broken arm and working out…
I am doing small portions of food like serving size of each… Im not going to count calories as of yet like I did for my previous big weight loss because I’m basically trying to maintain my weight not lose so much, ok that’s a lie, if I so happen to- I wont be complaining! Well, that’s it for now, may be writing more later!
Wii fit for a half hour is accomplished- I did only cardio… I feel relieved and a feeling that I did something for a change. I didn’t eat too bad today besides some xmas cookies… But it’s a start!
My friend Dave came over and we just sat around and bullshited. I havnt seen him in long ass time. So we played catch up and I made dinner- garlic spicy ranch chicken with corn. He signed my cast as well writing- Well, there’s always virtual snowboarding! Haha which personally prob wat I’ll stick to! I get hurt each time with each fall! Oh well!
I wanna ask my bf if he wants to come over tomarrow to play wii with me- he has yet to do so, plus I could really use some sex! lol It’s been since Friday morning- and I’m dying already!! and boy….. Friday was amazing!! haha So good that when I think about it I hafta go relieve myself… I’m such a walking hormone. But neways, I’m going to attempt the gym tomarrow to get a new card- since mine was stolen on my set of keys. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to give an appearance since I havnt been there in so long- at least theyd know cuz I have a broken arm and not cuz Im a lazy ass. I’m usually a regular there- always seeing the same people go round same time, you miss it after awhile.
Trying to go to sleep soon… I hate staying up late now because it seems to be a waste and do more in the morning rather than night.