First Ever Kindergarten B-day Party
November 7, 2010
So my daughter, Amira, who is in Kindergarten had her first ever birthday party today. It was so exciting. AS I was getting the brithday card out, I was just about to write in it when I thought, no way, Amira loves writing and trying to copy words so I asked her if she wanted to do it. Sure enough she did. She not only wrote Happy Birthday, she decorated the card with a picture of herself holding 5 balloons. Very creative. She spends most of her time at home coloring and drawing. She’s slowing learning that in order to draw the body in you need to make sure to draw the head a little higher than the grass or you end up with just one big head and no body. Anyways, the birthday party was at the gymnastics center and I wasn’t sure how to do school birthdays because I am used to taking both my kids everywhere and staying with them. But no, this time I just dropped her off for 2 hours. It was so weird to just send her off to a party and come back 2 hours later to pick her up. She did have a blast. I got some much needed mommy time during that time as my 2.5 year old son, Tahir was at home with daddy. So I went to friends for coffee. When Amira got home from the party, she immediately started making a bracelet from the beads she got in her goody bag. Now, both the kids are in bed and I am off to read my book…