why does this happen to good ppl.

so been working non stop this week. i worked 830am-6pm on tuesday…it sucked freakin donkey dick. not only was it really boring and annoying. my feet have been killing[mostly my right one] for like 4 days now. it really sucks. i worked 9-4 today and i have to do the same thing tomorrow. UGH!

so our friend Nicoles daughter was having headaches for like 3 weeks. she set an appointment up for her to go in while she was at her dads for the week. they said nothing was wrong with her and she would be ok. but Aeslyn[nicoles daughter] kept saying her head hurt and it was starting to make her dizzy. so Sunday night while we were there drinking Aeslyn started to throw up and complain her head really hurt. Nicole and I were gonna take her to the emergency room but Aeslyn was like no i feel better after i threw up take me in the morning. Now Aeslyn is only like 8 or 9 i think and shes very smart. So Nicole was like ok…so she took her in and demanded a head scan. Well they found she had a lump in her brain. They sent her up to the twin cities for more testing. Well they found out its a tumor. She had her surgery this morning at 5:30am to remove it. I havent heard from Nicole yet how it went and if shes doing alright. I really hope she is alright. I know she will be ok after she recovers and feel 100% better. I just want to kick those dr. in the balls and say “what the heck are you doin…do you damn job for once” “oh no she will be ok…shes not sick” SHES GOT A FREAKIN TUMOR!!! ARGH stupid dr’s. lol sorry this kid doesnt deserve what shes going to go through. shes really smart and fun to be around and says that most random things but at a time you relaly need it.

in other news….i got my acceptance letter for starting school back up again. so im excited about that! anyways i better go. im tired as hell and ready for bed.

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March 22, 2009

ryn: near brainerd mn. a tiny little restaurant connected to a gas station. =]