why cant ppl mind their own business



do you know what pisses me off so much???? someone getting into my business. i mean my god dont they have enough problems in their life? ok well i guess i should tell you why im saying all this stuff. ok, well today i got back from DC and i was getting everything unpacked and stuff and i got in the shower and ate some dinner and stuff. well then i get a txt from Scott on my cell at like 8:21 pm. so i txt him back and stuff. well he txts me back and so i get on aim and txt him their cuz i dont wanna use all my txts up in the first week. well then he txts me back on aim and is like do you want me to call you. i was like yeah. so he calls me like 5 minutes later. so we talk for a while and then we get into a discussion about our relationship….how we got into that i have no idea. AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN….hes like well someone told me that your cheating on me. i was like WHAT…WHO? and he was like just someone and i kept saying who and he kept saying someone and finally i was like fine dont tell me. and hes like is it true and i was like no. and he goes it must be cuz your saying no real quick like you got something to hide and i was like no. and he goes i hate being right sometimes. cuz i was getting all pissed and stuff. so i was like well do you think its true and he goes i dont know. and i was like do you want it to be true. cuz if you do then i can make it happen and hes like whoa….  . i cant believe someone would actually tell him that. lets see…who is the only one that talks to him that knows me….hmm….well that would be heather. now why would she tell him that. ive NEVER cheated on scott…and im NEVER going to cheat on him. GRRRR….that just pisses me off. it just hurts that he would actually have to ask me if its true. im not someone that just goes around and cheats on their bfs. i stick with one guy!! and especially this guy. i love him so much. i cant even talk about it anymore.

im sorry that my entry and be about this…but i had to get it off my chest. well im gonna go now. cuz im really upset about it.



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August 14, 2005

that situation was a BTICH. if your boyfriend thought that… if i were you, id be pissed too. its k to be pissed.. you have a right. give someone hell kid. <3 amanda

August 16, 2005

I know I don’t leave comments all to often but I do check up on here every so often. That is bullshit. My bf has done that before. But he said he was just testing me and that no one actually ever told him. Stupid overly jealous boys sometimes… I swear. Well I hope everything works out for you. cya, Mel

August 16, 2005

That is what I thought exactly…. I mean he has much more of an opportunity to go get with girls than I do with guys. I swear sometimes I’m happy when I make him jealous because I get so sick and tired of him doing it without a reason.