what about now

im so ready for sunday off of work. this week has been HELL at work. we’ve been SLAMMED all week…even when it was freakin raining cats and dogs we were freaking busy. i was like what the hell. i mean yeah i like to keep busy but not to the point where i wanna pull my hair out and other ppls hair out lol. yeah its been that bad.

i also had my review at work this week. that went really well. she actually was like i dont know why im even bring you in to talk you know your doing a wonderful job. and so we just sat in the office for like 30 mins talking about random shit. it was nice to just sit down and talk to her. we’ve been getting really close the last few weeks. which is good. its better to stay on her good side cuz if your not she really fcks you over. ive seen it happen a few times. so yeah deff gonna stay on her good side.

other then that not much else going on. i really hope it starts warming up soon. im getting so tired of the cold. ugh. im also excited about getting lemon ice back at work…oh god thats gonna be drink! lol we have it at our fazollis and its SOOOOO good. ive had it twice this week. haha.

well i have an appointment at 6 tonight to do my state taxes. ive had my federal taxes done for like a month now just been to lazy to go and get my state. so im gonna waste sometime tonight doing it. oh well. so i bought like 6 books the other day at borders and i have one left to read. im excited cuz im going back to get more soon. also TWILIGHT is coming out soon. YAY! im buying the movie. ok so the movie wasnt the best but I LOVE the books so i figure ill get all the movies for it. im going to the next movie with nicole. shes really love the books as well. i think im gonna buy the books when i go back next time. i dont have any of them. i borrowed all of them from my cousin.

well anyways just thought i would update. even if no one really reads or if they do they dont comment. but i dont care.

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March 14, 2009

i saw the funniest shirt the other day it was like “than buffy stabbed edward….the end” lol. tho im not totally against twilight i found it amusing. anyways glad to hear work is going good for you minus the hectic crap. love ya girl