pretty long one

Going to Nicoles again this afternoon to chill and drink. Going over to Charlies first to chill with him and then bring him over to Nicoles to hang with us. He hasnt hung with Nicole, Dan, and me yet. So it should be interesting lol. I deff need sometime with some friends. This week has SUCKED!!!! My car wouldnt start on Thursday AT ALL. So I had to call Mary from work and tell her i was gonna be late cuz i was gonna walk but shes was like NOOO you are not gonna walk i will come pick you up, you cant walk in this weather. Cuz it was like -45 that day. So she picked me up and we went to work. She brought me home from work cuz Dan hadnt gotten it started. So we couldnt find anyone to jump the car and we both were gettin really pissed off. So i got a shitload of clothes on and started walking to Advanced Autos. Thats like 3 miles away from the apartment and it was probably -40. I got more then half way there and this guy stops and is like I saw you walking but I had to go with my son up and i wanted to see if i could find you again, where are you going, im going to give you a ride. so i told him where iw as going thanked him and he asked what i was getting there. i told him my car wont start and i need a new battery. hes like you cant walk with a battery all the way back to where you live….PLEASE find a new ride. i told him i would and got out and thanked him again. so i got the battery and a tool kit. and started walking back. i got half way back again and this guy pulls up beside me and was like my mom saw you and wanted to help but she was late so she called me to come get you, where you going. i told him and he took me back and helped dan and me get it in the car and hooked up. THANK GOD!!! So i was so glad it started up the next day to take Dan to work and to drive to my work too. Well Brittney[i work with her] wanted me to go to Minneapolis with her for the fellowship thing. I was like sure…..only cuz ive been wanting to hang with her outside of work. cuz shes really cool at work…she doesnt preach or anything. so i thought maybe it would be fun. well by the time she picked me up at the apartment cuz i got off of work 2 hrs before she did. there was like 8 more ppl come with us. i was like ok… so we drove to her house for her to change then went to her friends house to pick her friend[amy] and the friends sister[jenny] up. then we drive to there other friends house where we were meeting everybody else and the girls were driving in a Suburban and the boys in a small car. So we all met up and got into the suburban and left. took use almost 2 and half hrs to get to the cities cuz the girl[alli] that was driving was going really slow. iwas like wtf. so we finally got there and it was suppose to start at 730. so we got seats. and the ppl come on the stage and start singing and blah blah and then the guy came on and did his message…which was pretty good other than that his fact on few thing were wrong. so then it was over and they wanted to go eat. so i got a drink and sat with them cuz i was hungery. then a few of them wanted to go over to the tea place across the street so i went with them. then the rest met up with us and we went back to the cars and started for home. that night was just a waste of time i think. and i felt bad for leaving dan all alone all night. we didnt get home until like 1230 and he had been in bed for 2 hrs already. so i went to bed and SET my alarm. well dans co worker started calling at like 5am asking if dan could work for her and hewas like no. she kept calling for a while. then we finally went back to bed. well i was suppose to be at work at 9am. and i know i set the alarm for 8. well i woke up and turned to look at the clock and it said 9:11 and iwas like WTF and jumped out of bed got my work clothes on and was trying to call my work. and couldnt get thru. well then i get a call from betsy and shes like you coming in for work and i wasl ike yeah sorry im coming right now. and shes liek its all good se eyou then. so i got to work an di was like 20 mins late and the whole day at work SUCKED. and brittney was really annoying as well. i kinda realized alot while i was hanging with them friday night…like on ALLL they talk about is god. they bring every convo into god. so yeah that was really annoying. so yeah its been a long week. and im ready to relax.

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