new me

Wow its been almost a month since I wrote in this thing. Well went to Cali…had an amazing time! We flew into Santa Barbara and stayed there for 3 nights 4 days! It looks so much like Panama its unreal, beautiful! Then we headed up the coast to San Fransisco. We stopped many time along the way, went to the aquarium in Monterey…AMAZING! Went to the red woods! Then spent the last 2 days of our trip in San Fransisco! IT WAS GREAT!

Since I’ve been back I’ve been really busy at work. I’m also looking for a new job at the moment because I’m not getting the hours I want. I’ve had 40 hours each week for the past 2 weeks but only cuz I’ve been taking ppls shifts…if I wouldnt do that I’d only have about 29 hours a week…FUCKING BULLSHIT! so yeah I’m tired of it.

As for the boyfriend, theres a few guys I’ve been hanging out with but I really dont want to be in a relationship right now. Shit I can hardly keep a relationship with this one person that I’ve known for like 6-7 years…why would I want to try and have a relationship with a guy right now. Kinda sad I know but I really dont care right now. I’m happy being single at this point in time. It just makes life easy on me and I like easy these days.

I’ve been spending a lot of time at the gym lately. I’m really happy with myself right now, I’ve lost about 50 pounds. My goal is to loose about another 50…it’d be amazing if I could loose 75 but I’m keep the goal at 50 for right now.

I talked to Dan the other day. He txt me out of the blue and I had been meaning to call him cuz I still have to get my name off his account. All he wanted was to see how I was doing, he said its been really hard for him not to txting me not that I really believe him but whatever, I’ll let him think I do believe him for now. I only talked to him for a few mins and then told him I had to go. He asked if we could talk more often and I said we will see, he hasnt txted me yet so I’m hoping hes realized I’ll txt him if I really want to talk. When I was talking to him I kept thinking…what was I thinking ever loving him or even liking him. I have no clue what I was doing with him. When I see a picture of him I’m not even attracted to him. Haha I guess I was just blind for 2 freakin years lol.

Well my mom comes home from Germany on thursday. I CANT WAIT! I miss her sooooo much. She went to poland while she was there and got me more polish pottery so I’m excited to see what she got me, she also is bring back a shitload of chocolate!

I’m so excited all the snow has melted…it got up to 60 today! I was outside most of the day reading…it felt SOOOO good!

Well I better get off of here. Got work early in the morning! Later

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March 19, 2010

Good luck with the weightloss. I started doing hcg and lost 16 in a mos with no excercise. It’s awesome and im happy n healthy. Glad u had fun in cali. Lots of great sites to see.