my love

so nothing to new has come up since the last time i wrote in here. everything with jon and me are good. yeah we fight sometimes but its cuz we both are stubborn asses and seriously hate admitting we are wrong…which in return makes us butt heads a lot but its ok we always work them out. well tonight was one of those nights. well right before he got off to get ready for work [which btw he got a new job and he started last night and it went very well for him…ill explain that in a second] he said this to me….

whatever i love so much even though you sometimes can be such a stubborn ass i would die for you if it meant your happyness i love you and I can not wait to see this amazing person who has my heart

all i have to say is wow…he is so amazing. and i love him sooooo much! i know i havent known him long and we havent been together long at all but i really do love him. he has my whole heart and that will never change.

now about his new job. i guess its a huge store…kinda like a walmart or something but a lot bigger. he works from 10pm-630am, stocking and unloading the trucks they get. he said he had a really good time last night and everyone is really friendly, which is really good cuz he was really nervous before he went there so i was really hoping everything would be ok. all i want is for him to be happy and enjoy what he does. i hated that all he was doing is sitting at home cuz he couldnt find a job. well of course he was taking care of his dad…idk if i mentioned in the other entry about him but he has to take care of his dad cuz about 2 months ago they found out he has heart failure. so jon makes sure he takes his meds, doesnt drink, doesnt have a lot of salt, is getting enough sleep, etc. his dad has exactly what my grandpa has, so i know exactly what hes going thru.

im just so excited and seriously cant wait until june 7th cuz then im leaving to go see him. it takes about 11 hours to drive to him. ive decided im gonna leave around 8pm so 9 pm his time and drive straight thru the night…get there around 8-830 am his time. then im going to sleep for a couple hours and then have him come over. i was hoping he was going to be able to talk to me on the phone to keep me up during the early hours of the morning but my baby will be at work so ill have to keep my music blaring and a ton of MONSTER!!! SO CANT WAIT! its going to be amazing!

anyways gotta run. later guys!

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