my last seranade


so i know its been a while since i wrote anything. been busy with classes and work. my boyfriend [Dan] comes on thursday for 2 weeks. im so excited. i havent seen him in 11 weeks. i miss him so much. hes coming for my spring break. im off for the first week of march! then on the 13th of march were driving back up to PA and im staying until the 16th with his family.

in other news, im really excited about moving out in the end of May. Dan and me are driving up to wisconsin probably on the 23rd of May. Get there on the 25th and start looking for apartments. We have mostly everything for the apartment already. All we have to get when we get there is

  • glasses
  • plates
  • futon
  • bathroom towels
  • and a vacuum.

we are getting alot of things from other ppl. like dans sis is giving us a coffee table and a night stand and a dining room table and plates[but were gonna get new ones too]. then his ex[mother of his daughter] is giving us end tables for the living room, pots and pans. my mom is giving us utensils for the kitchen. then i have everything for the bed room already. so were basically good to go. IM SO EXCITED!!!

Next fall im only going to take like one or two classes and work. and then next spring im taking off of school and working full time to save more money. and then by fall of 09 ill be able to pay in-state tuition and then i can be a full time student at the univeristiy i want to go to. I KNOW I KNOW…everybody has said are you sure your gonna go back. but ive made up my mind, i WANTan education. and im going to go back. but i cant afford to go for both semesters. out of state tuition is fucking killer. so this is what i have to do or dont go for a fucking year at all and be really behind which i dont want to do that.

but anyways. im getting my first tat on my birthday this year. Dan’s paying for it. i cant wait. but i have like 10 other ideas i want to get after that. haha. im addicted to tats and i dont even have any yet. haha.

but i better go. hope everybody is well.

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