FRIDAY NIGHT!!!! oh friday night was the best!! i wish it never ended!!

ok it started out after school. christina ~aka~ chris was in my last period of the day. so we headed out of the room and went to the front of the building. waiting for leah. well then leah needed to tell her sis she wasnt getting on the bus. so we waited and waited so finally i was like hey i gotta go to the end of the building and tell heidi it might be a lil while…so i go there and shes not there with green (her bf) so i start to head back to the front of the building and here comes chris and leah. so when they got to me i saw heidi so i run over to heidi and im like so whats the plan and shes like well i gotta put my stuff in the car and then we can go to the px. so we waited for like 10 minutes and then i was like hey look we will just meet you at the px at 4 pm. so we start to walk and green starts to run after us and is like heidis mom is coming heidis mom is coming i gotta walk with you.  >info about why he need to walk with us in the next paragraph…so you guys dont get confused!!

ok heidi use to go out with green last year and the end of the year and all of the summer..but they never talked or saw each other…so at the end of the summer heidi broke up with him. well he started to go out with this girl thats a senior at school. well they broke up like 4 weeks ago and green asked heidi back out. well heidis mom hates green with a passion now. and so heidi couldn’t tell her mom that green asked her back.

so we walk really slow. finally heidi comes up and is like alright lets go. so by the time we got to the park heidis mom starts to drive by so leah and green stop and act like their talking and stuff, until heidi’s mom drives by. ok so we split off at the gate. and heidi and green head to the px and leah, chris, and me head to my house and chris’s moms work to ask if chris could come with us to the movies. well i went to my house to get my money and the 2 girls went to talk to chris’s mom. well i walked back outside and they were just coming around the corner..and we saw each other and leah starts to run and is like i missed you and i was like I MISSED YOU TOO!! lol its was funny.

so we walk to the px and stuff. and this guy goes by with his motorcycle and its really loud and i scream “oh ya baby, your so hot” and he turns around and waves…we start to laugh. so we get to the px and head into burger king cuz that was where we were suppose to meet heidi and green. so we see ashley…which she was suppose to come with us to the movies but thursday night her boss said she had to work on friday night…she was really pissed. so we go in and make fun of her and stuff and order what we wanted…and we sit down away from heidi and green cuz they were almost finished eating anyways. so we told them we would meet at the gate at 4 40 so we could get green back at the school by 5 to go home and we could walk to the movies then. and get our tickets.

so we went into the px and chris needed a new belly button ring. so she found the one she wanted…and then she needed to get some new undies cuz hers had a hole in it. so we found so rainbow colored one and she went to the line to pay for it. well i was looking around and stuff and i saw this lady..which im not trying to be mean or anything. but she was freakin HUGE. and i look at chris and shes looks over and starts to laugh really hard and shes like leah look and leah starts to laughing. so then chris went to the bathroom to change her undies and the lady comes by with her husband. and her husband is touching her and stuff and leahs like wow her butt is like a shelf and i was like i wonder how they have sex which i didnt mean to say…it just came out. so leah is on the floor almost laughing and chris comes out of the bathroom and is like what…and im like i will tell you when we get outside. and were like falling over things laughing so hard trying to get outside.

well finally we got outside and we told her and she starts to laugh so hard. well chris needed to get more money. so we went by this store and she got her money and she was like can you help me open my belly ring package. so we did and we start to walk cuz green and heidi are screaming our names to hurry up. so then we stop again cuz she wants to put it in…and shes like its coming…its coming…and leahs like oh yes its coming!! it was so funny. so finally she gets it in and puts the balls on. and we start to walk again.

ok guys i will finish this on the next entry!!!!

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