freakin G.O.D.

so yeah there is this chick i work with….her name is brittney. well shes very religious…and if you know me im not…FAR FROM IT!! anyways well i made the mistake of going to this christian thing with her and her friends last month. ever since then shes up my ass about going to the Edge[ which is a christian group they have the college every friday night]. well i always tell her no. ive told her that i like talking to her at work…shes actually cool but when she gets around her friends all she talks about is G.O.D. nothing else…just about god. and its really annoying cuz she doesnt do that any other time unless shes with her friends. Like i went to Cold stone the other night with Dan and both her best friends work there[which i forgot] and right when i walked in they came running up to me and asking me all this stuff and asking if im coming to the edge and stuff and how gods been treating me and shit. i like back the fuck off…not literally but i SO WANTED TO!! lol im sorry if your religious…my sister is religious. and i have nothing wrong with someone being religious but when you freakin act like they do i just wanna slap ya. so anyways back to the reason im writing this entry. so brittney come up to me at work today and is like so having a get together to read the bible and talk about how feel about it tonight…your so coming. and i was like uhhh no sorry busy. and shes like well your coming cuz im gonna call you until i bug you into coming. i just walked away…so when she left from work today she was like see you later tonight and i was like look britt im not trying to be a bitch but cant you take a hint…i dont wanna go to any of those things. sorry im not like you. i dont worship the bible. ive read it and i agree with some things and dont agree with others. im who i am and if you dont like it then im sorry. so she stormed off. well lets see i just looked at my phone and shes called 5 times….yes 5 freakin times and left 3 msgs. how pathetic is that, honestly??

oh and wanna know the best part of EVERYTHING!!! when i went to that thing with her and her friends that one night…we were in the back of the car talking and shes like i want to save you and dan. i want you guys to see the error of your ways…i want to start worshiping him…reading the bible everynight…thanking him for everything. and i want you to stop sinning. i looked at her and said GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!

GAHHHHH SHOOT ME PLEASE! and yes i was religious when i was younger but alot of shit has happened in my life and ive seen many things and ive made a choice of what i want to believe. this doesnt make me a bad person…i have my own opinions. thank you very much.

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