explanation for the past year


Hey guys,

I know its been forever since I wrote. okay im going to do a huge entry about the past year or sooo. so get ready to read a lot.

okay bascially everybody knows what happened between Isaiah and me…that was a long time ago.  So After Isaiah I went out with Jordan. Jordan is one of my best friends brothers. He was 16 and i was 17.  So we went out for most of the summer 06. Then we broke up right before school started again. So i went out with this guy named Ron. Ive known him for almost 3 years. i met him when i was going out with Scott. Well Ron moved to Michigan and I couldnt see him. So we only went out for 2 months and then we stopped talking. So then i kinda chilled with going out with anyone. And just started to be a fuck buddy with this dude named Ryan. We did that for almost 6 months. Then he got a girlfriend. So we stopped and just went back to friends. But i hardly saw him.


Well then i started to hang out with my best friend [Justin] girlfriend and her friend. Justins girls name was Brittany and her friend was named Jessika. So we became really close. Then Jessika got a boyfriend named Chase. So by that time Britt didnt really wanna hang with Jessika and me. So we started to hang out everyday. And started to hang out with Chase and he a friend named Kenny. Jessika was trying to hook Kenny and me up. So the first night I hung out with Kenny we started to make out and everything. A week went by and we finally started to go out. We didnt want to get toooo serious cuz he was going into the Coast Guard. Well we went out for a week and then i got into deep shit with my parents and couldnt see anybody for a week. and hes the type of person that wants to see his gf every day. so we broke up. well then after i was allowed to hang again….found out he had a new gf. so i didnt hang out with him anymore. So i still hung out with jessika and chase. well they started to have problems and on their month anv. jessika cheated on him with this guy named nic. so 2 days later chase wanted to hang out and we were at nics. so he came to nics and jessika wouldnt pay any attention to chase. so when he was ready to go i asked him he could take me home cuz i had to be home in like 30 mins. so he said sure. jessika got so pissed about this cuz she had asked chase 2 days before this if he thought i was hot and if he would fuck me and he said yeah he would. so were not hardly down the street and she calls him and starts to bitch at him. so hes like jessika im getting so tired of this so i think he we need to take a break. and she goes your gonna make out with megan arent you. he goes no cuz i kno she will slap me if i do. so we get to my house and we sit in his car just talking shit out. and he goes you know ive actually liked you the whole time weve known each other. i was like well to tell you the truth i liked you most of the time too. he was like well what if i kissed you right now. i was like well since your not going out with jessika its fine but i didnt wanna do it while you were going with jessika cuz im not like that. hes like i understand that. so we decided we would go into my house and sit on the back porch and talk some more. so when we get outta his car and get to the steps he grabs my back and turns me around and we start to make out. so we go to the back porch and talk some more. and then he calls kenny and asks him if its okay if he asks me out which pissed me off…and kenny goes yeah its fine im not with her anymore. so chase didnt leave until like 1 am that night. but this is when hell starts. cuz jessika thought that we fucked and started to call me a whore. and wouldnt talk to me or anything. which was fine with me cuz she was getting way outta hand. so me and chase went out for 2 months. and we were ALWAYS together. well then about 4 weeks before we broke up we were in my front lawn wrestling and i broke my ankle. GAYYYY i know. lol well that when our relationship went down hill. cuz i couldnt go hang with him as much. so we broke up cuz there was a shit load going on in both of our lives. and we said we both wanted to stay friends. we also said that maybe we would get  back together later. well he started to go with this girl named kayla. which is fine with me cuz i dont really want to be with him anymore. 


so prom came around and the day of prom i get a phone call from kenny. see what i was doing. i told him i was going to prom that night but i could hang after if he wanted to. so after prom i walk out to my car and find out that jessika had keyed my car. so i called the cops and delt with that bullshit. then went to hang with kenny. he was fishing so we chilled there for like 2 and half hours. then went back to his and watched a movie. we just layed on the couch and cuddled together. well then we started to make out. so we started to talk about how he still feel strong feelings for each other and started to talk about maybe gettting back together but taking it really slow cuz hes getting in the Coast Guard. so we had a few parties at his house and at brocks and then we started to fight cuz we both would get mad if the other person was talking to someone else. so then i find out that hes fucking someone else and fucking me. and he goes they both have a half a court but the ball is on megans court. that pissed me off so i told him i couldnt do any longer. cuz he was messing with my heart. i told him i loved him but i couldnt deal with it. and he goes well you know if i would stay here i would date you cuz i want to have a relationship with you i just cant right now cuz im leaving and will be gone for 8 months. i was like i understand that but you cant play me like you are at the moment. so i left his house and weve talked a lil but not that much. and that was 2 weeks ago. yesterday my best friend mandy sue was txting with him and he said that me and him werent like that anymore and she told him that i wanted to be like that again. cuz i really do. except i want to work up to a relatioinship. and he goes well she needs to tell me this in person cuz im about done with Becca [the other girl he was fucking] cuz shes pissing him off. so i was happy about that.


well then i get home and get online and Ryans online. and hes been waiting to hang for a while but ive been busy. so hes like you want to hang on saturday. i was like sure. well he goes can we do the stuff we use to do. and i told him no cuz im tired of doing shit with ppl when im not going out with him and then being played. and hes like i never played you. i told him that he had. and he goes well why didnt you ever ask me out. and i was like why didnt you ever ask me out. and he goes cuz im shy. i might not seem like it but i really am shy. i hate rejection. i was like you should of known i wasnt going to reject you. he goes well to be honest if i did ask you right now part of it would be for the sexual stuff but MOST of it would be cuz i really want to be with you. so wat if i said i was asking you out what would you say. i was like are you actually asking me out. and he goes just answer. and i was like well you might need to take a chance and see what my answer is. so he goes okay yeah im as

king you out. and i was like yeah ill go with you. so now im going out with Ryan. Ive really wanted to be with him for so long. and now im finally with him. but i have to keep it a secret for a while cuz i got to find out wats going on with me and kenny. cuz to be honest even tho ive wanted to be ryan for a long time i would rather be with kenny any day.

so basically thats my life for the past year or so in a nut shell. shit load has gone on. lol


and in between the kenny and ryan thing my family moved into a new house 2 streets up and my dads car was stole and found 2 days later. the ppl that stole it got into a crash and took it to our old house and left it there. which tell ya that they knew us….stupid bitches. lol


well i better go.

sorry for it being so long. haha

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