Big Dates Coming Up!!

Got a few important dates going on in the next 8 months!! July 23rd I’m going to Country Jam with my 2 cousins, my Uncle Dean, his Fiance Michelle, and her daughter Sara!! Cant wait to go!! Zac Brown Band will be there!! I LOVE THEM!! It will be fun just spend sometime with my family, I dont get to spend a lot of time with my cousins together anymore. They are so busy with working and living their life, my cousin Allison just graduated from High School and she will be leaving for college end of Aug. I’m going to miss her alot!! We are really close! Sometime in August I will hopefully be moving in with my BFF. We have to wait until her lease is up in August before we move in together. She has a 2 bd apartment but its a small one and she fills it up completely. Its nice for her right now but if I moved in now then there would be NOOOOO room for any of my stuff. So we decided to wait until August and find something a little bigger. Thinking more like a duplex then a regular apartment, which would be a lot nicer!! I cant wait…I spend most of my free time with her and we always have a good time together!! August 30th is Alex and I 1 year Anv. I cant believe we’ve been together this long already. I mean we have been through ALOT of shit during this relationship but we have become even stronger. I got to see him today, first time in 3 months and we actually got to hug, kiss and hold hands (first time in 7 months). IT WAS AMAZING!!! I definitely realized today that I’m still madly in love with him. When he walked into that visiting room my heart skipped a beat a few times! GOD I love him!! It was funny, he was soooo nervous to see me that for the first hour he wouldn’t hold my hand, finally he warmed up!! It was so hard to leave him when it was time to go. I saw tears in his eyes…which broke my heart!! I’m hoping to go see him on Tuesday or Wednesday. We get a 3 hour visit that time cuz it will be in the week. September 26th is my 23rd Birthday…not that big of a deal. Cant believe I’m already going to be 23 though!! I’m sure Amber will make a big deal out of it!! November 26th is Amber’s 30th Birthday!! I’m sooooo doing something big for that one!!! I told her I was gonna get all this over the hill stuff for her party LOL she just gave me the death stare!! haha Gotta love her!! February 9th MY MAN GETS TO COME HOME!!! OMG that day will be the best day in my life!! Getting to hug him and kiss him today was amazing but that day will be even more amazing cuz I know hes home and is never leaving again and I know he will be sleeping next to me every night. He will be the last thing I see before I go to bed and the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning!! I MISS THAT SOOOOOOO MUCH! I miss feeling him next to me…he was my warmth when it was cold outside. Seriously we never needed blankets cuz if I got cold all I needed to do is have him wrap his arms around me and I was all warm again!! I hate knowing that hes 100 miles away from me and that I cant just call or txt him and tell him to come over cuz I need a hug. I hate not being able to call him or txt him to tell him how my day is…or when I really need to talk to someone cuz something happened and I have to wait until he calls me to talk to him about it. That really bothers me. Theres been times in the middle of the night where I just really need to hear his voice and I cant cuz he cant call me. It just sucks and I’m so counting down the days until he can come home!! You know I told myself I would never be in this type of situation but when I sit down and think about my life with out him if I couldnt do it anymore I start to get upset. I can’t see my life without him and I dont want to live without him. I’m madly in love with him and like I’ve told a few people you can’t help who you love and I fell in love with him right away. Honestly the first day I met him I knew we were good together and by the first week of dating I knew we’d be together for a very long time! I’ve never been with someone that will stop whatever hes doing to come talk to me cuz I’ve had a bad day. I’ve never had a guy be so shy and worried about what I think that it took him a week and half just to give me a small kiss. After 5 days of dating I had to ask for a hug HAHA I’m not use to that. Every guy I’ve dated has jumped right in there and kissed me the first day and everything. It was nice to finally find a sweet and caring guy that thinks about others feelings. Thats one thing I never have to worry about…if I’m not feeling good or dont want to do something he doesnt push me like all the other guys did. All he wants is for me to be happy and hes more then happy to just sit on the couch and watch tv with me all night if I’m not feeling good. I mean shit he took care of me when I got really sick one night. I got food poisoning from some Chinese food I had and then I was drinking with his cousin that night. I felt like death and he helped me downstairs and made sure I was ok when I was in the bathroom for like 4 hours puking. I’ve never had someone do that. I’m not one to ever get sick like that. So its nice to know that I have someone like that I can trust to take care of me when I’m not doing ok. Shows alot, especially since we’ve decided to have kids when he gets home. I know he will take care of the kids when they get sick and I can’t or if I get sick while pregnant I know he will be there! I’m just ready to start my life with him! So FEBRUARY 9th PLEASE come quickly!!! I NEED MY MAN BACK!!!

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