

ok well today sucked until i got home and i started to talk to Izzy. GUESS WHAT??? he asked me to marry him. and…………i said YES!!! it was so cute how he asked me. here what he said…but with different screen names:

sweetness: *gets down on one knee*
sweetness: *looks deep into her eyes*
sweetness: Megan, i love you with every beat of my heart, and every day my love for you becomes stronger and more true
sweetness: before you i walked in the dark
sweetness: until you brought light into my life
sweetness: and now here i am
sweetness: giving you everything i have and everything i am
sweetness: Megan? Will You Marry Me?
sweetness: *presents her the ring*
craziness: of course i will

isnt he so sweet??? omg i was all crying and stuff! i wanted to tell heather like right then but of course she wasnt at her computer…so i kept msging her telling her to hurry up and get to her computer so i could tell her something. finally she got to her computer. and i told her. she was like YES!!! lol well anyways g2g bye



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September 17, 2005

congratulations on the engagement. i have a graphics diary called mommys*graphics if you want to go and look at it. I have bunches of backgrounds and other graphics. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. 🙂 Kari