3 more days

well 3 more days until i go get Dan. i cant wait! its going to be amazing when i get to see him and get to give him a huge hug and know that even i will never to say goodbye to him again. we wont ever be two states away from each other again. i dont know what it is about him. but im crazy about this guy. i cant stop thinking about him and im absolutely in love with him. i want to be with every second of the day. ive never been like this with anybody before. ive dated guys that didnt live near me and ive never felt anything like this before. ive never gotten so emotional about a guy in my entire life. and if you know me im not an emotional person…not at all. theres only a few ppl that have ever seen me cry and im just talking about shedding a few tears. only two ppl have actually seen me completely break down and cry, Heather and Dan. This part of me is something completely new and sometimes i dont know how to deal with it. but i cant wait to have Dan here with me. we are going to be so busy…with getting ready to move and working and doing stuff around the house and looking at apartments online and calling places. this next month or so is gonna be crazy but im going to enjoy every minute of it.

everything is really turning around for me. for a while i didnt know what was going on in my life. i didnt know if i was really gonna make something out of my life. if i was really going to make goals and try and achievement. if i was going to find someone that loved me and be happy for once…not just act like im happy at that moment but really i knew that i wasnt. ive actually found all that. ive found someone that loves me for me and stands by me through everything. ive made goals and im achieving them. ive gotten my life back together. i dont go out and drink and party every night like i did for a long time. i had gotten my self down into a huge hole and i didnt know how to get out of it. i put drinking and party before going to college and everything else i wanted. i dont do that now. i hardly drink. and when i drink i dont drink to just get drunk…i drink to have a good time with friends. which is all i need. i dont need to be drunk every night to be happy. im completely happy being sober.

lifes amazing and when i move to wisconsin with Dan, life will be even more amazing.

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May 4, 2008

I am happy for you and Dan.

May 4, 2008

Aww yay for you. How exciting. Glad things are good.