
hey guys,

whats up?? not much here. okay i know i definately need to write more in here. and it looks like i might tonight…YAY!!! okay so lets see….what has gone on!! well a lot. well im in wisconsin right now. but im leaving tomorrow to go back to virginia!! had a great time here…i love it here. but yeah…lets see wats else has gone on. oh…i was fighting with heather for like 2 and half weeks. it went by pretty fast actually!! but were cool again. and to be honest i think we’re closer then we were!! idk..just like when we talked the last few times we have been getting closer…which is really good. I CANT BELIEVE THAT HEATHER AND ME HAVE BEEN FRIENDS FOR ALMOST 3 YEARS!! god time has really gone by fast!! well heather if your reading this….I LOVE YOU CHICA!! well anyways…izzy and me are doing good. im so happy with him!! everything is GREAT in that department with him. well im sry guys but i gotta go so ill finish this later!!

much love




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November 27, 2005

hey girlie…I LOVE YOU TOO! i hope all is going well and u didnt harm urself tonight…im so scared for u right now! plz talk to me or call me tomorrow. i miss you! ~heather

November 28, 2005

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving..enjoy the rest of your trips!