One must risk madness itself, if Truth be the goal…

It is customary for the collapse of a society to be precipitated by a grasp at the past, as the last vestiges of a controlling culture are slowly being swept aside by the Arc of Time. They fear, and have no sense of reality but that which they can hold, or convince the public is held. For the elephant is not really held by the stake, but by the memory of its oppression.
It is the culture that is sick. The culture needs an intervention. The domination culture of the patriarchal society we have been trying for the last 8,000 has failed and destroyed the Earth with it; and we failed so well that after this collapse the next species has no metal to mine.
All my life I was told it was I that had the errors in my programming, but it is the fucking operating system that itself is corrupt and needs to be reinstalled.
Save your files, people.