anyone watch laguna beach??
alright is it just me or is the jessica girl a complete fucking IDIOT. the whole her and jason thing amazes me. If I ever act that RETARTED over a guy will someone please just kill me?
does she know what a complete ASS she is making of herself on national tv?? LOSE THE ASSHOLE IT IS CLEAR HE DOESN’T LIKE YOU.
God, I mean I’ve had it bad for a guy but that level of denial on her part is just plain fucking NUTS.
I had to rant because i’m watching this and her stupidity and ignorance to the entire situation really really amazes me.
so, what do ya’ll think?
i totally agree shes dumb i was like that too with my ex — jason i bet you remember him i got smart maybe she will too i guess we’ll see
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Girl, you know I watch! And I agree! The sad thing is she’s so pretty, she doesn’t need that douche. JessJess, will you marry me?
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lol… i dont know the show so i was thinking, is she talking about herself? lol! xx
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i don’t watch that shit
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i watched the show once… against my own will… i don’t know who is who, but the girls piss me the f* off
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I watch that show and I love it… moving on. Yes, she is an idiot, but I do feel bad for her. Hopefully she does realize and moves on with her life. P.S. Glad you’re writing more :o)
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I’ve tried watching that show, but it just seems to fake for me and silly hs drama all the time.
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I watch the show, and I agree with you….she is a complete idiot when it comes to Jason.
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can’t say i watch laguna beach. my one mtv show (besides the real world) is my super sweet 16. those kids are absolutely riduculous
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yeah, I think Jessica needs to buy a clue. Is it just me or does anyone else think that Jessica, Alex, and Kristin kind of look like each other? They have very similar features in their faces. Kinda bugs me.
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Thank you, love, that was very nice of you to say. I don’t think I have very much courage, compared to most, but I do have a little.
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I definitely agree! She will see the truth sooner or later. I think next week.
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