
well, since last i wrote, i got in my first car accident.

four years of having a spotless record, and one stupid non-realization and i’m in a wreck.  not terrible, have no fear.  i hit some little old grandma who was driving her son’s chevy taho with my dinky little tracker – so it was like a cardboard box hitting a tank.  i got a dent about the diameter of a desert plate in my front passenger corner between the wheel well and the headlight; she lost a little plastic reflector from just about the same location on her driver’s side.  so i got the worst of it, which is fine i guess … it’s just so humiliating!!!  i just got my own insurance which i was only going to pay $35 a month for because of my nice shiny record … now that’s down the drain …  $150 ticket for "failure to yield" because i didn’t realize that cross traffic didn’t have a stop sign.

so now i can no longer say i’ve got a sterling record, and it’s one of the most depressing things that has ever happened to me; my driving record was pretty much the only thing in my life that i could honestly say i’d never screwed up on.  now that’s all over …

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