Reflections on a Wacky Weekend

not so much wacky in a good way, either. 

saturday was gueling; i woke up at 8:30 (after going to bed at 3 AM) to drive my friend to Belden Village mall – an hour away.  we were going to use her car, but she locked her keys in her loft, so we had to call jon to come get us and bring us back to jon’s and my house to pick up MY car.  then we were at the mall for three hours, looking for business suits for her and getting something to eat.  by the time we were done with THAT, she was feeling really sick – she finally told me that she had known since the day before that she was getting dangerously dehydrated again.  (bariatric surgery, long, painful recovery … long story not to be told here.)  so i had to rush her home so she could pack a bag and check herself into the hospital for the weekend to get rehydrated.  THEN, jon and went to our other friend’s for dinner and a movie.  i fell asleep about halfway through.

sunday we got up, did laundry so we could have clean socks, went to the gym to run, came home, dashed through the shower, then turned around and drove up to Shaker Hights for jon’s godfather’s daughter’s 15th or 16th birthday (can’t remember which), and Father’s Day.  the girl’s boyfriend was there, and halfway through the afternoon, they disappeared down to the basement for half an hour, then reappeared when it was time to open presents with a severe case of "fuck hair".  yet her father insisted the whole time she was downstairs with her boyfriend and the lights off that she couldn’t POSSIBLY be doing anything.  … mind you, this is the same girl who had spread-eagle pictures of herself on the family computer and her mother and father BOTH said "oh it’s no big thing" when they were confonted with the pictures. 

*sigh* … anyway, after we FINALLY got out of there, we stopped at giant eagle on the way home, picked up a 6-pack of Taquiza (really good beer) and went home to sit in our brand new folding canvas chairs, drink a beer, smoke a cigarette (or cigar) and listen to the rain blow in.  it hadn’t started thundering or anything … just a cool breaze making the trees growing a little ways from our patio dance in the light over the back door.

then i spent a miserable night trying to sleep cuz it was so damn hot in the house; the windows were open and the a/c was off cuz we thought the rain would be plenty to keep things cool.  oh how wrong we were …

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