My Thanks
Thanks to all who lent advice and support; it’s nice to know someone cares. oh … and sorry about the "cum booger" thing 🙂
Thanks be that the comment Jon got from his supervisor yesterday – that it was JON’S fault that a distributor made nasty comments about a female product-buyer – finally gave Jon hurt feelings enough to talk to the director of CS. her eyes apparently went HUGE when she heard what this supervisor had said. and she assured Jon that he wasn’t the only one being cracked down on – she was going to have to do a write-up on someone who had made a comment about someone else’s husband – who doesn’t even work at the company!!! plus she completely agreed that HR needed to address the issue of harrassment that is not sexual. because it’s obviously being held against the employees, but if you’re supposed to filter your actions and conversations, you have to be aware of what the filter is supposed to be. so she’s going to talk to someone who’s going to talk with HR about having an education meeting to cover that. so Jon was much better by the time he got home after work today.
And … Thank Heaven for last night … 😉