Sex Ed and other stuff..
Some of my Brit readers will recognise this title: Sex Education. Kimmy got me into this. It’s on Netflix which I’m purchasing very soon. Right after the nasty business is over. I was watching Sex Ed before dinner. And it is both funny and sweet, I’m on season 3 with the male teacher proposing to the female and them moving in together… and two of the students gets stuck in France without their coach until about 8-9pm?
Ya. That. I love British humor. The way of speaking, the dialects, and slang?
Anyways, the High & Mighty crowd are going to Swiss Chalet for the 2nd time… piglets! Jeez! Well, you know what? If they can food so can we damnit. And being Jess’ weekend, we can get away with it. But I have other plans for my money. IF I get it, I am giving Bees $200 and I am keeping the other half, for my Samsung phone, and snacks I reckon. I will get some Reese’s candy for Bees, and 3 1 litre bottles of Diet Pepsi, and some crisps (maybe sour cream and onion so that I can share with Bees.) for me. Two bags of Dollarama’s house crisps. ♥
Anyways… lets hope it comes!!
My husband and I loved “Sex Education.” We just finished it. The scenery, characters, writing — everything about that show was just wonderful.
@darkmadonna I love that show. It is frank, open and true to life.
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