Like Sleeping Beauty!

I haven’t slept like that in a looooooooooong while. I slept from about 10:40pm to 8:30am! I was tired alright. Today, on the docket, is well.. just maintenance and later, Bees and I will order dinner out from Pizza Pizza. I am having a panzo and fries, and a drink, and Bees is having her chicken bites and garlic toast. Or something like that. Heh..
Um… I need to download an antivirus software onto Julie’s computer… bc Willie Jess (her computer’s name) is slower than molasses in January, and I think that scanning properly will help greatly. I have until noon to do so as Bees is returning home from her brother’s bday party then, and I’ll want to spend time with her. Anyways, I think I’ll do that now.
I am still very sleepy. I want to sleep some more but that will have to wait, bc… time’s a ticking!
Write in here again later.
You really must have been tired to sleep that long!
@ghostdancer Oh yeah.
I was.
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What antivirus did you download hun? I was thinking of just starting fresh. I need new everything.. sigh
@oharablues right now nothing just windows defender but seeing as my younger sister is taking it, maybe avast?
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