I’m as high as a kite right now… on a sugar fuelled one that is…
I just had some vanilla buttercream cake, and ersatz vanilla icecream. Well… not exactly ersatz but melty shall we say?? My bg level is… 10.6 which is medium to high… not as high as it used to be… with some water and some insulin, it will be okay. I have myself a new lamp. It’s a desk lamp. I will show you a pic…
I am borrowing my sister Julie’s Sony Vaio til the end of the month. Then, I will have my gaming computer which came last weekend. It is complicated as to why I am getting it so late but rest assured, there will be pix. Kate (the new computer) is a Acer Nitro 5. I got her from easyhome a store that lets people have stuff paid bit by bit? Like MDG?? But I pay monthly… so.. it is a great thing!!
According to my sister Julz, I have a good credit rating… which is also nice.
I could snap more pix of my room…. after I fix it up a bit bc it is a wee bit messy.
In gaming news, I might be getting a Switch Lite for either Hanukkah (I am more or less Wiccan/Jewish tbqf) or my bday in July… I think the birthday thing will be nice as I am turning 50 this coming year. My Dad was 37 when I was born and my mother was 21… don’t ask. One day I shall write out my sad sad story. LOL It’s not that pathetic… also, I am finding all these funky GBA roms on the 3DSQRcodes subreddit on Reddit… like I have like 2 Emerald hacks, kaizo and too many types, and my all time faves Pokemon Sweets & Sweets 2.
I played the Sweets games on an emulator on the computer b4 jailbreaking my 3DS XL, and getting them that way… and I have the Style Savvy games.
I’m watching a movie called Finders Keepers. I am telling y’all right now. October is MY month. Samhain! Horror movies galore! I mean, I’m happier than a pig in crap.
My friends Alisha and Gabby keep pinging me on FB… and I think Liz is too… but I wanna watch this movie first.
What are you doing these days??
oh I hate a sugar crash…
I can’t remember the last sugar high I had. I am tired today, no sugar crash, just rainy and tired…
@strawberryjelly I wish it would rain here… nothing but stupid heat.
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