Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!

It is the Canadian Thanksgiving hols! Here is a time to give thanks for what we have. I am thankful to have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and friends and family to share life with. I am thankful to have Maman, Roxy, Bees and Julz, and other friends around me too.
We will feast like queens tonight. There will be turkey, ham, potatoes, yams, stuffing, and pie for dessert. Either apple, pumpkin, southern blueberry, or pecan.
I will try and post pictures but I’m not guaranteeing anything cos I am a bit forgetful. And I remember things at the last moment, after the fact. LOL!
Today I am just going to relax and play my games… and be with Bees and Julz. And perhaps sleep a little?
If you celebrate Thanksgiving then, prost!!
Happy Thanksgiving, Sammy! It’s so good to read you again!
@darkmadonna Thanks Cathi
It’s always nice to read you as well.
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Happy thanksgiving!! Enjoy!!
@thespiritwithinme Thankee!
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Happy Thanksgiving, Sammy! Hoping you had a wonderful time and delicious food.
@celestialflutter Yes! I have pix!
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