Can’t sleep… got a thumper of a headache…

I just took the high ‘Ariana Grande’ tail that Liz does for me each bath day, out bc it was giving one hell of a headache. I can feel it slowly ebb away… which is great cos no one likes having a massive headache when they are clearly trying to get some shut eye. I have to clean up my room sometime this weekend, and I have to get Julie and Bees registered for swim classes – what they call Aquafit, by Sunday… but first, I need to get some shuteye bc I feel like human sludge rn.
Every time I look at the above photo, I think of the movie IT and Pennywise the clown. Now Pennywise is a bit scary but isn’t gory like Art the Clown. I prefer Art, he is classier and has an excellent sense of humor for a homicidal clown.
This all coming from a person with coulrophobia. Bollocks I say….
Well.. g2g. Need whats left of the darkness to sleep.
Hope you are feeling better. I had a headache in the middle of the night, 2 nights ago. Ended up sleeping on rhe sofa. Feel better
@thespiritwithinme TY ♥
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leaves tend to give me a head ache so fall is not good for my allergies (hugs)
@kaliko Oh gosh.
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