this is cool… :)
Again… much thanks to the wonderful paigey! *bows down before your greatness*
YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Name of first pet + Street you live on) Marcus Marmount (whoa…)
YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (Name of your favorite snack food + Grandfather’s first name) Thins Robert
YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME: (First word you see on your left + Favorite restaurant) Wave Garden (hmmm…)
EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS: (Favorite Spice + Last Vacation Spot) Thyme Kauai
SOCIALITE ALIAS: (Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You First Partied) Peetz Bremerton
FLY GIRL ALIAS: (aka J.Lo) – (First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name) N.Ba (lame, i got jipped on that one…)
ICON ALIAS: (Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in Kitchen) Chewy Milk (gross… but funny)
DETECTIVE ALIAS: (Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Went to High School) Tiger Monroe
BARFLY ALIAS: (Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink) Pringles Vodka
SOAP OPERA ALIAS: (Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived) Alfred Marmount (nice!)
ROCK STAR ALIAS: (Favorite Candy + Last Name Of Favorite Musician) Baby Ruth Rachmaninoff
GREASE ALIAS: (Favorite Swear Word + Last Word of Favorite Movie) Bollocks Club (HAHAHA!!!! I snorted from trying not to laugh!!!! ((thats paigey’s name… sorry)))
Mine would be um….: Hell Gets (too many favorite movies…)
The following is an excerpt from a children’s book,”Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants” by Dave Pilkey. The evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names…….
Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name:
a = poopsie b = lumpy c = buttercup d = gadget e = crusty f = greasy g =fluffy h =cheeseball i = chim-chim j = stinky k = flunky l = bootie m =pinky n = zippy o = goober p = doofus q = slimy r = loopy s = snottyt =
tootie u = dorkey v = squeezit w = oprah x =skipper y = dinky z =zsa-zsa
Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:
a = apple b = toilet c = giggle d = burger e = girdle f = barf g =lizard h= waffle i = cootie j = monkey k = potty l = liver m = banana n =rhino o =bubble p = hamster q = toad r = gizzard s = pizza t = gerbil u =chicken v =pickle w = chuckle x = tofu y = gorilla z = stinker
Use the fourth letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:
a = head b = mouth c = face d = nose e = tush f = breath g = pants h = shorts i = lips j = honker k =butt l =brain m= tushie n = biscuits o = hiney p = chunks q = toes r = buns s =fanny t = sniffer u = sprinkles v = kisser w =squirt x = humperdinck y =brains z = juice
Thus, for example, George W. Bush’s new name is Goober Chickenshorts. William Jefferson Clinton is Bootie Liverbiscuits
*strikes superhero pose* I am!!! POOPSIE APPLESNIFFER!!! wait….. oh… lol
god i’m bored. lol
– noah