the culmination of all things vocal?

so, i’ve been sitting on my butt for the last two days (however, i think i’m gonna go out for a jog tonight).  my phone service was cut off (no, i’m not looking for sympathy, i expected it).  so, really my only friend is my internet right now…  and i’m okay with that.

as of sunday night, after the show, my voice was still giving me problems.  so its been nice to have the last two days off.  i have no idea whats causing the vocal problems, but i will admit, i’m a little afraid of what might happen if it doesn’t go away. 

i’ve been doing alot of mental practicing the last two days.  no singing, just playing things over and listening to recordings.  translations too… (talk about a pain in the you know what!  especially when you don’t actually know italian!)

although… had some fun news today.  got an email from Seattle Opera today.  apparently the Seattle Mariners would like to have an opera singer sing the anthem on Monday, and seeing as the show we’re doing closes on Saturday, they thought it would be nice to have a young artist come and sing.  i’m only to willing to oblige.

it doesn’t pay, which is fine, but they pay for parking and i get a ticket (or perhaps two… i know my mom would like to go).

here’s the rub…  my voice feels okay right now, but will it after singing two more performances? (Fri, Sat).  i would have one full day of rest, plus all day Monday, which should be fine…  and i’m sure a good warm up session on Monday wouldn’t hurt either.

anyway… there is a good chance i could be committing professional suicide on Monday… Tune in to see! 🙂  lol

– noah

p.s. sorry this entry sucks… i’ll try and write something better next time.

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May 16, 2006

wow, that sounds awesome!

May 16, 2006

Break a leg, hon! Sorry about your phone 🙁

May 17, 2006

ooooooh good luck!! thats puuurdy exciting!

May 17, 2006

thats a cool opportunity. shame i can’t see it 🙂

May 18, 2006

yay thats really exciting! i bet your mum would be really proud to see you sing there. i see you took my quiz 🙂 i like the nickname kite haha xxxxx

May 18, 2006

if you want to talk about unfair OD pracitces, how about the fact that you havent updated us on how monday went? hmm? how about a little freaking consideration noah!

Thank you for your notes!

May 19, 2006

yeah, that would be good. but how do i choose between music and writing? le sigh. life is full of tough questions.

LOL i got my boyfriend to look it up..its when the girl lies on her back and then the guy holds her hips in the air and you know lol

wow I never knew you did Opera that’s awesome! if you need some italian translating help I might be able to help. I speak Italian fluently, I just don’t know how well I am at reading it. But I can try!

May 21, 2006

Yeah, I’m good thanks. Kris passed her medicals so now she’s getting fit for the physicals. How are you?