survey time (quick, run for it!)
stole this from donna! thank you 🙂
1. What’s your primary reason for having this OD? i had one when the site first started… got a girlfriend and stopped updating… lost the diary, then the girlfriend, and decided to start up again. i think i was looking for a place to talk about how bad i was hurting and not have to bother my friends with it.
2. Do you have a certain routine when you log onto OD? i always read my favorites, then my notes… which now that i think about it is a little backwards…
3. Do you take pride in your front page? um… no?
4. Do you have a certain layout you use for entries? no… fancy free! i go where my writing takes me…
5. Are you currently blocked from reading someone’s diary or blocking someone from reading your diary? actually… i’m blocked from a few people’s diaries, and i have no idea why. it hurt at first, but now i just don’t care.
6. What is the title of your first entry, what was it about, and when did you post it? "How’s this for torment" its about my name (Noah Baetge) and now much i hate it at times… lol
7. What is the title of your last entry, what was it about, and when did you post it? "today is a good day" posted on the 27th.
8. Not including this one, how many entries do you have (public/private/favorites only)? 448 public, 20 fav/private
9. What do you consider most of your entries as (day-to-day accounts, surveys, recipes, lyrics, poetry, writing exercises, etc)? honest, whatever i feel like writing. it used to be to vent my feelings. maybe expel them on here so i wouldn’t have to feel them anymore (which, by the way, didn’t work). now its what ever i feel like… which reminds me, i have a dream to write at some point…
10. Have you ever gone back and edited an entry, after already posting it? If so, why? i have a few times. i wrote things i didn’t like, or said things that i felt shouldn’t have been said. so i deleted them.
11. As of today, how many days do you have left in your subscription and when does it expire? um… don’t have a subscription… too cheap.
12. Will you be re-subscribing after it ends? Why or why not? no?
13. How many notes do you have (average per entry)? i have no idea… 1614, whoa! thats alot. according to my calculator its approx 3.5 notes an entry… lol
14. Who left the first and the last note on your diary? anit, RedWolfGoddess
15. How many notes did you get on your very first and last entries? 1, 3
16. Does anyone from your very first entry still note you (has at least left one note within the last seven entries)? actually… anit only noted that on that first entry.
18. Who was the first person you noted, and the last person you noted? i have no idea. i try and note everyone that notes me, to thank them for the note, or to say something about their current entry. thats usually what i TRY and do… last person i noted was dimestore cynic
19. Have you been involved in any flame wars? what is a flame war? i’m gonna say no…
20. Do you ever delete notes? i have a couple times. but not for any particular reason. i think one i didn’t understand, and the other was someone just being stupid…
21. Which OD members have you had outside-of-OD contact: none…
22. Who from OD would you like to meet face-to-face? lots of people… but one in particular (not that it will ever happen).
23. Is there ONE diarist (who you have not had outside contact with) you read, that makes you feel like you know them? i kind of feel like i know many of them… which, is probably not true as people are who they WANT to be here, and rarely themselves.
24. Recommend ONE diarist for others to check out. anyone in my favorites!
25. How many diarists are on your favorites list? 12. i used to have upwards of 70, but then i realised most of them were no longer updating…
26. Who on your favorite’s list last updated, and who updated the longest ago? dimestore cynic, mannequin
27. As far as you can tell, how many favorites lists are you on? i have no idea…
28. If you post to any diary circles, which one did you last post to and what was the entry called? never have actually… always wanted to, but don’t really have the time.
<font face="Times New Ro
man”>29. How many entries so far have been "theme" entries? none actually. gonna have to work on that as well…
30. Would you mind being nominated for Reader’s Choice? Why or why not? *shrugs* i guess i wouldn’t mind.
31. What are the + and – of OD when compared to FOD or other online journal sites? no idea. never used them.
32. Would you ever recommend this site, or as a gift, pay $12 for someone else to post here? i would reccomend it, but probably not pay for it.
33. What is the best and worst thing about journaling online?
Best: something to take our minds away from the hum-drum life we lead…
Worst: connections that happen, only to fall apart with the realisation of distance.
If the connection is strong enough, the distance doesn’t matter. I know that from experience. RYN: You think it’s hot, too. I can tell. =P
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RYN: And yeah, I’m thinking of moving to Saskatchewan, but at the moment I live in Manitoba. Where do YOU live?
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Aww, yay! Spreading the OD love! 🙂 Donna x♥x –
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I hate my name. I’m also blocked from 1 person’s diary that I know of.. and I’ve blocked 1 or 2.
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I didn’t think you could block people from your diary! I wish I could go back in time and do that to one person! RYN: I appreciate everything you say.
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Well I don’t know how much of a fatty you are but we do make most of the clothes up to pretty big sizes.
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