
i’m bored… so sue me.

<—— real entry (and amusing story?) thattaway

i’m doing this survey even though there is something i want to write about.  i just found out about someone who died.  i didn’t know him well, but its sad all the same.  i’ll write about it later.

When was the last time you were told you were beautiful?
um… not beautiful per se, but handsome or cute (or hot… lol)

What was the last alcoholic drink you had?
oh good lord… i think an amaretto sour?


Look at your recent calls, who were the last three?
my lady, my lady and, oh!  Anthony. lol

What are you excited for?
um… going to NYC again.  first time in 2 years.

What is bothering you right now?
the above mentioned

Who was the last person to play with your hair?
my lady

What is your favorite color?
T h i s c o l o r

When was the last time you got a back massage?
i don’t really care for massages…

Are you easily scared by horror/thriller films..?
the films don’t really scare me… its what my imagination will do while i’m trying to sleep that scares me.

If there was a large spider in the room, would you stay?
WHERE?!  *looks around frantically*


Where is the last place you went out to eat?
Red Robin

Do you have any enemies?

i’m sure i do somewhere…

What kind of milk do you drink?
i prefer 2%, but 1% is good too.  i am starting to buy the organic milk.  yes, its more expensive, but it tastes so much better, and it make me feel better about buying it.  lol

Would it bother you if your best friend got naked at a beach or river?
no… why would it? 

What is your favorite kind of candy?
i’m trying to keep my distance from candy.  lol (peanut M&Ms… maybe Snickers Bar or Butterfinger)

What is your favorite fruit..?
bananas or apples i guess

What is your favorite thing about being sick?
um… i don’t get sick very often, so when i do is really really bad.  thus, there is nothing i like about being sick.

What body part aches you the most right now?
my lower back actually.  i’ve been having troubles with it lately… course it could be sympathy pains as my lady is also having back troubles.

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?

my lady. 🙂

Did anything exciting happen last weekend?
*thinks* what happened last weekend?  OH!!!  I CAME HOME!!!!!!!!  lol

Have you ever crawled through a window?

Have you ever dyed your hair?
um… i’ve tried.  didn’t work very well.

What’s something that can always make you feel better?
talking to my lady

What would you name your future daughter?
i wanted to name her Winter… but that has been vetoed apparently.

How did you and your myspace number 1 become friends?
she’s my sister?  lol

Did you cry today?

Do you think that you’re a good person?

What are you listening to?

Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie (love that music video too!)

Did you ever lose a best friend?
i have…

Has a girl or boy put their arm around you in the past 5 days?
no… 🙁  she’s too far away…  but soon!

Where will you be 2 hours from now?
either taking my mom to the doctors (will talk about that later) or having lunch with another friend.

Who was the last person of the opposite sex to text you?

my lady

What is your current mood?

Who was the last person you yelled at?

um… my lady and i had a heated talk a few days ago, but i don’t think i yelled.  i try very hard to control my temper enough to not yell.  i don’t like when i get like that.

What are you stressed out about?

my master’s audition on saturday, and going to NYC.  i can’t get sick right now. 🙁

What color is your shirt?

actually… not currently wearing a shirt.

What color is the last blanket you used?

well, its been cold enough at night that i’ve been using 2.  one is my down comfortor that has a goldish colored duvel cover on it.  the oth

er is a comfortor with some strange pattern on it.  to hard to explain. (kind of ugly)

Who have you texted the most in the past two days?

i’ll give you two guesses. 😉

Are you close with any of your siblings friends?
actually, my sister and i are close enough in age that we share a lot of the same friends.

Are there any flowers in your house right now?
no actually… 🙁  i would love to live near a market (or a downtown area) where i could get fresh flowers everyday and have them in the house.  course i’d probably die of allergies, but i’d love the look!

Were you sleeping at 7 am this morning?

Would you rather get free chocolate for one year or free potatoes forever?
i’m pretty sure i’d get sick of the chocolate, so i’ll take the potatoes!

Is anyone else home?
nope!  just me

Do you trust all of your friends?
hmm… that’s a good question.  i’d say yes, but… probably only my closest friends.

Do you sleep on your stomach?
i usually start there, but just before i fall asleep i turn onto my right side.

Where are you going to be at 4pm tomorrow?

hopefully talking with my lady before she goes to bed.

Last time you saw fireworks, with whom & where?
New Year’s Eve with my lady at the Space Needle

Do you like horror or comedy?

Who did you last share a taxi with?

um, i’m pretty sure my last 2-3 taxi rides have been alone.  lol

What were you doing at 12 this afternoon?
well… seeing as i still have an hour and half before that happens, i’ll tell you when i find out!

Is there anybody you’ re really disappointed in right now?
not really.  my best friend is having trouble getting his life together, but isn’t working hard to fix it…  its hard to watch.

What’ s your favorite season?

Do you hate being alone?


Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly every thing about you?

What about a guy?

What was the last thing you bought?
my monitor that i’m looking at right now

Who was the last person to see you cry?
my lady<br style="mso-special-cha

racter: line-break” />


Who was the last person you hugged?

What’s the first thing you thought this morning?
i hope its at least 8:30am.

Do you like your bed?
yes.  its getting a little old, almost time to be replaced (downside of being a super fatty like me, you make divets in the matress after a few years. lol)

Did you get any compliments today?
i was going to say no, but then i remember the facebook message i got from my lady. 🙂

Have you ever gone to court?
twice, both for traffic infractions.

Are you drifting away from any friends?

Are you comfortable with answering personal questions?

Anyone told you a secret this week?

Name something that made you smile today?
my first text message i read this morning was from my lady

What do the majority of people in your life call you?
Noah, no-no, ha-no, um…  my favorite was when my grandpa called me Petez (as in Pete’s).  *sigh* i miss that.

Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
not normally.

Have you ever intentionally made someone jealous?
i don’t think so.  i don’t really like when people do that stuff.  drives me nuts!

Are you over your past?
hmm… odd question.  … no…

What were you doing at midnight last night..?
i think writing in here actually



– noah


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February 5, 2009

*phew* thats a long survey 😉

February 5, 2009

You don’t like massages?? Whats up with that?!?! lol =P Also *swaffles* xxx

February 5, 2009

i love that you take so much pride in your relationship, it is quite beautiful. You can just tell.

February 5, 2009

I like the survey! 🙂 Nice job.

February 5, 2009

I might steal your survey. I don’t feel like doing hw. Your gf goes to bed at 4 pm?! Lol I just read that and then like three questions later I was like… wait a second!! =)

February 6, 2009

ryn : I don’t know there’s anything TO do, really… if there is, no one ever told me. 🙁 rule of thumb seems to be : avoid math like the plague! 😛

February 6, 2009

You should try soy milk. It is delicious. I saw that you im’d me the other day, sorry I didn’t reply. I guess I left myself signed onto aim and forgot about it. I do that a lot. :-/ I apologize! Have you tried turning your mattress over?

February 7, 2009

I think Winter is a really nice name.