stolen from kite!
thank you! 🙂
1. What season were you born in? fall
2. Are you happy with your birthday? If you could pick any day to have been born, what day would it have been and why? i like my birthday fine, but if i could chose another day, i’d rather have it five days earlier on the 13th.
3. Do you believe in past lives? not sure…
4. Do you believe in guardian angels? yes… but not actual angels. i think people can be someone’s guardian angel (if only for an incident)
5. What is your greatest talent? HA! i don’t have any talents… lol (actually… i can think of one but it shall remain unnamed.
6. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one talent, what would it be? hmmm… good question. how about money sense?
7. If you had to be in the hospital for 2 weeks due to illness, who would you want to be your roommate during that time? *shrugs* i don’t know.
8. If you could kill one person (alive at the moment) and get away with it, who would it be and why? i’m sorry, but there are very few reasons (only one) of why i would kill anyone… and being able to or wanting to is not one of them
9. If you could go back and live for 2 weeks in ANY time period and in any part of the world you wanted, when would it be and where? probably in verdi’s day. good operas
10. What do you believe the most useful invention of the 20th century was? (Note: has to be a single invention, can’t be the *development* of anything or a series of inventions.) um, the segway? lol
11. If you had to pick up and relocate to another country, never to return to your home country again, what country would you move to, and why? Italy (or France)
12. What book do you wish you had written? Eragon. i could have written it much better. lol
13. What is the one historical event you would change (as in, erase it completely from ever happening)? so many, however the historical events are what have shaped us into our current state.
14. If you could own any famous painting and hang it in your house, which one would you pick? probably Monet’s Poplars.
15. What moment in your life do you wish you could live over again? my relationship with maija. i could help it end better.
16. What is your earliest memory? very foggy… but i remember being naked in the front yard at my grandma’s and grandpa’s and getting a 2nd degree sunburn that blistered on my shoulder. my mom had to rub this lotion medicine from the doctor on it. i just remember it hurting so bad…
17. If you could shave one year off of the lives of 20 people, and add those 20 years to your life, would you do it? Would it matter if you knew who the people were? Would your answer change if you were terminally ill in the situation? i wouldn’t… even if i was ill.
18. Have you ever truly hated someone? Do you still? How did it affect you? i’ve severely disliked people, but i’ve never hated someone…
19. Are you happy with your given name? sure, why not.
20. Do you think it should be illegal for new parents to name their children truly horrible names? (Note: we’re talking REALLY bad names here, like naming a boy "Pimp Daddy" or naming a girl "Breast" or something …) as horrible as that is, you can’t really outlaw something like that…
21. What is the one thing in your life that you regret NOT doing? being a sign language interpreter… i wouldn’t have any money problems then…
22. How much money would it take to get you to give up the internet (email, chatting, surfing–EVERYTHING) for one year? How about forever? um… i could live without the internet if i wasn’t self-employed and needed to check my business email every day…
23. If you won the lottery (let’s say 1 million or more), would you go back and give a nice chunk of money to the cashier that sold you the ticket? maybe, if i could remember who it was…
24. If you were picked to be on Survivor, what would be your luxury item? a leatherman
25. If you could totally and completely give up sleep, would you do it? totally! so many better things i
could be doing.
26. If you could totally and completely give up food, would you? and lose weight, HELL YES!!!
27. Would you have chosen to be your gender if you had been given the choice? Why or why not? no… i think nature takes care of that quite well.
28. If a perfect stranger was a perfect match for a kidney donation, and it would cause you a minimum amount of discomfort, would you do it? of course… however, giving a kidney has some significant complications for people in my family (namely diabetes)
29. Would you kill an innocent person to save the life of someone you loved? this is the stuff my nightmares are made off…
30. When you die, will you donate your organs? If you are an organ donor, is there anything you would want them to leave in your body? nope! they can have it all!
31. If you could bring back one TV show that has been either cancelled or discontinued, and have it be as good as it was when it was airing, what would you bring back? Exo Squad!
32. In your opinion, how far should someone go to stop a person from driving drunk (if you believe they should be stopped at all)? short of killing them… lol
33. What religion are you? If your religion had never existed, what religion would you be today? i’m not really a religious person per se… i think something maybe have cause evolution, but i’m not sure there is a god… or maybe there is… the second part of this question doesn’t really work for me.
34. What is the worst crime you have ever committed? does speeding count? i think that might be it…
35. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how would you (honestly) rate your physical appearance? 4… and i say 4 because i know there are a few things that are redeeming… even if i lost weight i still wouldn’t say more than a 6 though… i’m always gonna be big.
<p class=”MsoNormal” style=”MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt”>36. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how would you (honestly) rate your intelligence compared to other people your age? 9… my sister and i can do anything we want to if we put our minds to it… aye, there’s the rub… lol (i have the feeling that a 9 is what most people would give themselves… oh well)
37. Do you believe it is wrong to marry only for money, if both partners agree to the situation? i find it slightly wrong, but if it works for them, go for it…
38. If money (for education) were no object and you had children of school age, would you send them to public school, private school, parochial school, boarding school in another country, or would you home school them? public, too much to be gained. however, if kids are enrolled in public, parents need to be involved, which i would be more than happen to do!
39. Should rapists be executed? i agree with kite, there are worse things than death…
40. Who honestly has it easier in life, women or men? with my luck, women… lol
41. If you could add 10 years to your life by losing 25 IQ points, or add 25 IQ points if you subtracted 10 years from your life, which would you choose? neither…
42. If you found your soul mate, and they were of a different race (as in, something significant, like black/white, etc) than you, would you marry them anyway? in a heart beat! lately i’ve been crushing on chinese women… lol
i’m kind of saddened by my use of the word "crushing" in the last question… however i couldn’t think of a better way to state it…
– noah
hahah i’m gonna name my kid “breast”.
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I was on a forum and this guy said he cheats on his girlfriend all the time and she doesn’t know.
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