so yeah…
i returned the monitor today. i’ve been thinking about it all week since i bought it. i’ll give you my thoughts in bullet form:
- while it was a really good deal, i have other things i could spend the money on.
- after i leave on tuesday i won’t be home until march. why buy a new toy if i can’t use it for a month, if not more.
- also, there is a possibility that if i wait a little while that the larger screens could come down in price. 😉
i did all my bills for the next 6 months and realized i have made more money in the first month of this year than half of what i made all last year. i don’t know for sure, but i have a feeling this year is going to be a good one.
in other news, i had my Master’s Degree audition today. i went in and did my Sight-singing test first. then went and did my audition. the down side is i started getting sick on thursday. its just a cold, but i’m really stuffed up, headache and body ache. so i’ve been pounding vitamin C like its going out of style, and using zicam. also i have a personal humidifier (its really just a hot plate that you pour water into with a face mask, and you breath the steam, works great!) that i’ve been using to free up some of the gunk.
the audition went well, but towards the end of the second song my voice started giving out on me. i kept it together enough that i could keep singing the higher notes, but then at the end i had a few lower notes and they basicially didn’t exist. kind of annoying, but otherwise it went well. they seemed to like me, and to be honest they need me. the voice program there is hurting big time. i’m singing very well right now and to be perfectly honest, if i do well at the semi and grand finals of the MET competition, i probably won’t need to get the master’s right now. i definitely made that known when they interviewed me.
the master’s degree would be a good fit for my lady and i and our future plan. although, one of the people in the audition asked me what i would do if i was offered a position at the MET or with their young artist program. i told them i hadn’t thought about that. lol who knows. we’ll see what happens.
anyway, i need to sleep. much love to you all.
– noah
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Im glad it went well <3 Im sure they know how it feels to be sick as well so they probably appreciated that you trucked through it. L
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sounds like your life is going the way it should..I am glad that all is well…hope you feel better soon.
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I’d really like to hear you sing… do you have something online or so?
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So what are the plans now? Good for you for having a sense of your obvious worth. 🙂
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