my muse is my love…
lately it seems that whenever i want to write, something needs to happen to inspire me. for instance, a dream, a conversation, thought… something…
oddly enough, most of these “somethings” have been given to me by my muse. i know that might be a weird thing to say, but i really do have a muse. however, everything she grants me in artistic motif seems to end up being private… (sorry y’all… i even get weirded out with how dark i get). not that these entries are dark… but that i think i want to keep them to myself. thus, i private them. course, most of it hasn’t been in here…
however, some of these are beautiful thoughts, things that make me smile, make me drift off to sleep peacefully (in itself a rarity).
its fun having a muse. the problem is, i’m falling in love with my muse. which means that if i use her powers for my stories, then i am taking from her where i can not give in return…
wait… does that even make sense? no, not really. anyway… i guess i’m just bored and trying to run circles around my own head. *sigh*
anyway, i should get back to work before i get into trouble. lol
– noah