lets see now…
so, its 1am and i’m sitting here bored… i’m listening to a very mellow song that i love, Clocks by Coldplay. i don’t know why but this song is very calming for me.
maybe i should put together a mellow song list.
i’m very aggrivated that i don’t have all my mp3’s on my computer right now. they are on DVD’s right now from the last time i rebuilt my computer, and unfortunately i don’t have a DVDROM drive… *sigh* i’ll get them on there sooner or later…
in the mean time i just have the songs i’ve downloaded from iTunes (which, i’m getting more an more frustrated with lately… it doesn’t do the things i want it to…)
did i mention i jogged 2.4 miles the other day?! oh wait… yeah i did, cause dime said i needed to fast walk instead of jog…
hmmm… need something to tell you…
OH! i know. i went and saw an opera yesterday. oddly enough it was only my second opera i’ve ever seen. i’ve been in *counting on hands* 17 operas, but i’ve only ever seen 2. (technically 5, but 4 of them are lumped into a group called the Ring Cycle by Wagner)
the opera is called Turn of the Screw by Benjamin Britten. its a modern opera, written in 1954 i believe. its about the molestation of these two children. i won’t go into too much detail, but it was very well staged. i didn’t care for the music so much, but other than that it was breathtaking. the symbolism and visual’s the director envoked was beyond belief. also, my friends that performed were absolutely amazing in it. well worth the money i paid for it… (oh wait… i got the ticket for free………………)
yesterday was also a wedding in my family (and they didn’t ask me to sing at the wedding… i’m not sure the family knows much about me yet. i’m sure that will change soon, *gag*) anyway… i wore my light tan suit (which i look really good in i think) and a pink shirt and white tie. the ensemble actually was very sharp and i was very pleased with the outcome. (keep in mind i haven’t seen most of my family in over a year… that happens when you’re busy singing and what not) at one point i leaned over to my mom and said, "i figured i’d wear the pink today just to affirm to the family that i’m gay…" and of course she laughed. what caught me off guard was the fact that my grandma laughed at it too. not that she’s a gay hater or anything… she just doesn’t usually approve of me saying things like that. so my hope is that her views are relaxing a bit.
um… what else to talk about? i think i’m just about at the end of my rant… i wish i actually touched upon some serious subjects.
hope your week goes well. take care
– noah
hahaha. Pink shirts with suits = very nice. I’m not sure why but I just really like the look. 🙂 anywho, yey for Coldplay! Heather—->
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i prefer “fix you”, but clocks is nice
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I love Clocks.
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