i am such a girl!
and i LIKE it!
so the girl i said i was going to call? i called her. 🙂
she works for the opera house (which is how i first met her over a year ago). this year she’s doing stage management stuff for the Ring Cycle (for anyone that doesn’t know what that is, its a MAJOR undertaking, consisting of 4 different operas by Richard Wagner). last night was the first dress rehearsal for the first one, Das Reingold. i’m not gonna get into the story now, i can do that later if you all like. 🙂
so i had called her (knowing she would not be able to pick up because she was at work all day preparing for this dress rehearsal tonight) and left a message saying that if she was so inclined, we’d (i’d) love to have her come have dinner with us at McMinnimin’s (a bar about a block away from the Opera House). so with my roomie driving there, i get a call from her and she says she’d love to!
so i meet her there and she says there’s not much room (and to be honest i’ve never cared for their service or food that much). so we decided to ditch everyone and go hang out. (i was wearing my tan suit by the way… and a pink shirt. pretty hot i thought… i was not wearing it because of her, i just wanted to dress up. the fact she thought it was good looking was a bonus!)
so we go get my ticket, then we go up to Larry’s Market and get sandwiches (i got a panino fresca. such a simple sandwich) and proceeded to go upstairs and sit at the picnic tables in the sun. it was great, we talked about hopes dreams, the fact that she is extremely masculine and that i am extremely feminine.
i don’t know what it is, but the fact that she is so masculine turns me on! (is that weird?) she was opening doors for me and, it was fun! i bought the dinner though (just cause i was faster with my money… 😉
it was fun. i hope we get to hang out again.
something about being around her, i feel normal with myself? does that make any sense?
anyway, if you don’t believe how feminine i really am, look back at this entry and how i’m gushing about my non-date last night… see? lol
i’m gonna go, and, um… yeah… find something to do. 🙂
– noah
haha, I’m glad you had fun! RYN: Business has always been my interest…I kind of have a knack for it…I think. My dad, a simple high school graduate, runs a business of his own with 4 locations. It’s kind of become a family thing. I’ve always watched him work, and I love it. I think he’s great at his job, and I think I could be great at it too. and…I want to travel!!! 🙂 Heather—->
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some true thoughts in the wrong order. note me later ok?
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YAY! I am so glad that you had a blast. There is nothing wrong with you being a girl. I swear to God that I was born with a metaphorical penis. I sure don’t act like a girl. *hugs* Amber
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That was absolutely f’ing adorable! Yay for you! I’m uber happy. See, I told you you had nothing to loose. It’s not weird liking a masculine girl…I’ve always been kinda masculine and have always had a thing for effeminate guys. So, yeah. 😉
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she’s not ummm…lesbian-masculine is she?
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