here goes!

well, i can’t remember if in my entry (two entries ago) i talked about being sick.  i just thought i’d mention it again.

i’m sick.  and i leave for the airport to go to NYC at 5:30am tomorrow.  kill me now.  i have a bad feeling i’m going to get that pressure headache because i can’t pop my ears.  you know the one?  it happened to me once coming up from San Fran (thank god that’s a short flight).  i literally thought my head was going to implode.  it was horrible.

my level of sickness seems to keep going up and down.  right now i feel… okay.  earlier when running errands i felt pretty good, but most of the day i felt like utter crap.  luckily it hasn’t affected my voice yet, other than a little post-nasal drip, which i can deal with.  so we’ll see what happens.

anyway, i leave tomorrow and i’m not sure when i’ll get to write again, or leave notes for that matter.  i’ll have my laptop, and hopefully they’ll have a good connection.

much love to you all!

– noah

p.s. oh, lookie what i got…







yes… someone gwinked the Music part… i’m a little annoyed at that.  the ink isn’t messed up, its like they stuck a paper in front of it too soon before the ink dried, then when you pulled them apart, part of the paper was left on there.  *sigh* oh well… i’m still VERY EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!

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February 9, 2009

🙂 congrads! hope you feel better soon.

February 9, 2009

CONGRATS NOAH!!!! :D:D:D:D:D Cookie for you!! 🙂 Actually, that calls for two cookies!! I’m soooooo proud of you! 😀 *incredibly huge hugs!!*

February 9, 2009

Congratulations on your diploma!!! A lot of hard work, you earned it! I am proud for you! I hope you get to feeling better and have a safe trip!

February 10, 2009

Oh wow! Congratulations! That certificate looks absolutely gorgeous too – even with the smudging. And feel better soon. I hope your flight goes okay.

February 10, 2009

Congrats!!!! And regarding popping your ears… I always blow into my nose while holding it. do you know what I mean? Like divers do. It’s the only thing that helps me and it’s BRILLIANT!!!

February 10, 2009

Grats!! 😀

February 10, 2009

YAY!! WELL DONE!! Hope you feel better xxxx

February 10, 2009

WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ! Congrats dude!!!!! Feel better soon soon SOOOOOON! A headache of any kind is one of the worst feelings the the world, so you def need to feel better soon! Have a safe flight! <3

February 10, 2009

Congrats!! *kicks the sickness in the ass for you* I came down w/ some evil bronchitis-like thing the night before my senior recital and had to postpone it a whole week. Instead of performing it on stage at the Arts Bank like I was supposed to, I got a sucky little classroom. So much for all the posters I spread around campus for it. :-/ Feel better,

February 10, 2009


February 10, 2009

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Hoorah! Sorry about the plane issue – I have that every time I fly – I’ve heard there are good pressure meds out there now, I’m planning to look into them next time. Hope all goes alright. Dope up on the Sudafed!

February 10, 2009

Nicely done! Sorry about the sickness part – I hope you feel better soon!

February 10, 2009

For some reason, I thought you went to UW… I didn’t know it was PLU! Congratulations! I remember when I got my diploma in the mail and was really excited! I still haven’t framed it, though. Oops! If you are going to frame it, I would call the registrar’s office and very politely request they send you a new one the next time they have a batch to print! I bet they would…

February 10, 2009

Congratulations, still so very exciting!! I bet if you talk to them they can order you a new one 😉 I hope all is going well today!

February 10, 2009

YAAAAAAAY! Fabulous!

February 10, 2009

RYN: Being alone is scary. :p

February 10, 2009

Congrats – maybe you could ask for a new copy? It wouldn’t hurt to ask right? It is still impressive though. Have fun in NYC and I hope that cold gets better soon!

February 10, 2009

Very, very snazzy! 😀

February 10, 2009

awesome! congratulations!

February 10, 2009

not on being sick, you know, the diploma and all 😉

February 10, 2009


February 10, 2009

Yay!!! Awesome!!! 🙂

February 15, 2009

Double congrats! 🙂 Things seem rosy – though I hope the flight wasn’t too bad and that you’re healthy again.

February 18, 2009
