dreams are made of these…

i expected to go to the club and again, maybe gyrate with a few friends.  you know, never actually find someone there that would be worth my time and effort to; try and impress, try and break down defenses and eventually pick up…

to be honest, i’m not like that anyway.  if you don’t notice me as equally as i notice you, whats the point?

but, here i am… again.  dragged out by my friends, (helps being a bigger guy.  less skeezy people for them to worry about… just another service i offer), fully expecting to just have a good time with friends…  but then again…  what is a good time with friends compared to a great time with you… whoever you are.

its crowded tonight…  oy, the normal skanks are skanking up the skank pole again.  could do without that.  and, without spending too much time counting, there are far to many guys just standing around the dance floor waiting for some girl to get seperated from her group.  its like vultures hovering over the man dying of thirst.

wow… didn’t really need that image.

i have to admit, i enjoy dancing, i’m just so bad at it.  i can move, but i don’t got moves…  oh, here we go.  i liked the old DJ here better.  this guy can’t spin worth crap.  but, its got a loud thumping beat, so lets do this.

then i see you.  you are standing over with a group of girls.  you seem to be the shy one, standing towards the back, back to the wall drinking your drink.  the music stops, the lights focus on you.  i would want to be all the eyes in the world just to gaze upon you.  i look around at all the other people, fully expecting them to have quit dance seeing as there is no music, but they are still bumping and grinding.  to what?! 

looking back to you.  you move lithely.  extending your arm to put down your drink, flexing your hand with allure unseen by all eyes but mine.  your fluid grace augments every step you take, making your way to the dance floor with your friends.

my guess is that i am blatantly staring at you.  oh god!  am i one of the creeps!  i flash my sight to some of the vultures.  no, i’m not that bad.  i’m at least on the dance floor…

NO!  VULTURE!  he makes a bee line, and as he does all the other vultures turn!  the circling begins.  but you are prepared.  as he steps in for a whisper, you just hold up your hand (without looking at him) and smile, not even missing a step.

instantly the vultures turn away.  your vulture repelent nature is attractive to me for some reason.

the moment you hit the dance floor you amaze all around you with steps more beautiful and charming than any have seen, or maybe its just me.

my group of friends nudge me, and i continue to dance (finally).  but they know… know all to well where my thoughts have been.  i look down to them and smile.  looking back up, you’re gone!  my eyes search the floor to no avail!  you’ve disappeared without a trace and now i’ve lost the goddess i so wanted to speak to.

i turn to inquire of my friend, "did you see…"


i knocked someone over.  quickly turning to help them up, i offer my hand, then look to see who it is.  and your smiling face shines light into my soul.  sappy i know, but… i’m going with what i feel.

lifting you up, you lean in, "i’m kate"

"i’m noah"

"lets dance"


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