Beelzebub’s Breakfast

i’m just gonna preface really fast.  i had the idea to write this story (which i’m starting to think could make a really good movie short) about a month ago.  for some reason it actually connected in my head (story wise) and i know feel confident in trying to write it.

i also want to mention and apologize; when i write alot of these things, i do so right here in OD, so if there are lots of errors and grammar problems i’m sorry.  bare with me and hopefully i’ll have them edited out by the 3rd or 4th time i read it…

Beelzebub’s Breakfast

Father Christopher for years had been taking his breakfast, on beautiful sunny days of spring of course, at the tiny Café della Luce Calda for many years.  He had his normal table, normal seat, and normal meal, except during lent, when he would usually give up caffeine and meat.  All in all, Christopher enjoyed his Tuesday breakfasts watching the people on the busy streets pass by; going about their lives not paying much attention to each other.  The father felt a touch sad about this, his Lord’s children barely even paying enough attention to give each other a, "Hello" or "How are you today?"  This had troubled him, but he liked to combat this with offering the other seat of the table to those who looked less fortunate than himself.  He enjoyed the company.

This day was like every Tuesday.  Father Christopher would enter the café, smile and greet all the staff, who would all come over and give hugs, shake hands.  Without having to show him, or without having to ask, Christopher would walk over and sit at his table on the street out in the sun.  ‘The sun felt good on his aching bones’, he’d say.  His tea arrived and he mixed in his honey.  Katie, the waitress smiled as he looked up and nodded, "Yes, I think the usual would be quite exquisite today, thank you Katie."  Katie, a young girl in her early twenties had been one of the less fortunate to sit at the father’s table one morning.  A runaway, she had been wandering the streets when Father Christopher had noticed her when no one else seemed to.  He got her the job at the Café and also gave her a place to stay while she got on her feet and started college.

"How is the painting coming?"  She was painting a portrait of the Virgin Mary for the Sanctuary, "Wonderfully!  Will you come see it soon?"  "Of course!  I would be delighted."  Christopher said with his old crinkly smile.  Katie beamed under the rays of his praise and quickly when to put in his order.

Taking in a deep breath of the city air, Christopher looked out over the street and watched the people bustle to and fro.  He felt today would be a good day.  Sipping his tea he made a mental note of the things he needed to get done today, start sermon, meet with the worship leaders, tend his rooftop garden; his pansies should be quite lovely right now…

"Good morning."  Snapping out of his thoughts of flowers, he turned to see a taller, slim good looking man standing next to him in the street.  "Good morning father.  I wondered if I might partake of breakfast with you in this quaint little café?  Is the food good?"  "Only the best."  Christopher smiled and offered his other chair, "Yes, please won’t you join me?  A bit of company a breakfast always makes the food taste that much better."  Smiling again Christopher eased his older body out of his chair as the young man sat.  He also was able to get a better look at the gentleman.  He was very chiseled face, but it was soft in his eyes.  He moved with fluid grace and seemed to exude confidence.  Wearing an off-white suit and a white shirt, he had a solid black tie on.  Christopher noted this and made a mental note to ask if he had lost a loved one.  The man graciously thanked him again as they both sat.

Christopher offered the man some tea, "Oh, no thanks.  I’m a coffee drinker.  Black."  "Ah, I’m told their coffee here is quite good."  The man smiled and looked around for one of the wait staff.  "Oh… allow me," Christopher said with a smile.  He new he could do this, but rarely used it himself as he was quite content with whenever his stuff would get there… Raising his hand slightly into the air two of the waitresses began moving toward the table.  Katie broke out into a light run and reached the table first, causing both waitresses to start giggling and stick their tongues out at each other.

"Yes father?  What can I get you?"  "Oh, for the last time, call me Chris.  My new friend here would like to order something I believe."  Suddenly realizing there was someone else at the table, Katie almost took a step back, then righted herself and faced him.  "This is Katie, she’ll take good care of you here.  Katie, this is… oh, I’m sorry.  I haven’t caught your name yet?"

"Ash.  The name is Ash." Take Katie’s hand he kissed it softly and smiled at her.  She blushed slightly as she pulled out her notepad, "What can I get for ya?"  "I would like a cup of coffee, black, and ham and eggs, over easy."  "Right away." She smiled again and went to place the second order.

"Ash, and interesting name.  Well, Ash, it is nice to meet you.  I am Father…"  "Christopher.  Yes I know," taking Christopher’s hand, "It is good to finally meet you though."  Smiling, Chris shook off this odd comment; he was a well known man in the community, why should this man not know who he is.

Katie brought Ash his coffee, smiled and Chris again and went back into the café.  "So, Ash… I don’t mean to bring up a tender subject, but I noticed you are wearing a black tie.  Have you perchance lost someone dear to you recently.  Looking from his coffee cup to his tie, Ash looked back up at Chris an smiled, "Not exactly.  I just like black I guess you could say."  Nodding in acceptance to this answer, Chris sipped at his tea and tried again.

"So, what do you do for a living.  You seem very well dressed and groomed.  Must have a good job."  Taking another sip of coffee, Ash put the cup back on the table and sat back in his chair, "Well…  Yes, I do have a good job." Sighing slightly, Ash looked down at the ground, "I guess it has been awhile since I’ve been here.  Usually your kind is the first to notice."

Looking surprised, "My kind?" Chris said.  "Yes, the clergy.  Can’t say they have taking much of a liking to me of the years."  Leaning forward Ash placed his elbows on the table and rolled his hands back and forth, "Father, you do know who I am right?  If you do not, it will come to you soon enough."  Chris looked at him closely, running his eyes over Ash’s features.  "I’m sorry, but I don’t…"  Chris began to say raising his teacup to his lips, A

sh’s eyes suddenly turned black.  Chris suddenly felt a horrible foreboding, as if the entire world was caving in and nothing would be good on this earth ever again.  Dropping his tea cup, it shattered all over the ground spilling tea everywhere.  Finally able to pull his gaze away from those terrible eyes, Katie came running up.

"Father, are you okay?!"  Bending down at his side, "You’re as white as a sheet!  Whats wrong?!"  Chris turned to look at her, a blank stare in his eyes.  Slowly he recognized her, then looked quickly to Ash.  His eyes were perfectly normal and he had a look of concern on his face.  "Y…yes my dear."  Coughing fakely, "I must have drank my tea wrong."  Katie looked at him again not believing him… "My child, I am fine."  Chris forced a warm smile, and patted her should, "I’m fine.  Thank you though.  Let me just pick up the mess I made…"  "Not on your life!"  She said playfully.  "I’ll get it."  Quickly snatching up all the broken pieces she kissed his forehead then went back to work.

Watching her go, Chris waited until she was back inside the café, he turned sharply back to Ash, "Why are you here?"  Ash shrugged.  "I wanted to meet you to be honest.  Besides, I haven’t been on earth for quite some time.  Chris, I am sorry for scaring you.  If I had just told you, would you have believed me."

Still weary, and positive no further joy or meaning would come from this conversation, "No, I suppose not."  Katie came out with the food and another cup for Chris.  Taking his hand, "Are you sure you’re alright?"  "Yes.  Thank you sweet one.  Don’t let this dottering old fool keep you from your important customers."  Squeezing his hand she went back into the café.

"I find it odd," Chris said in between bites of toast, not taking his eyes off Ash, "that you would come back at all.  I would imagine you have a fair amount of souls keeping you busy?"

"You know, it never ceases to amaze me how thoroughly misunderstanding the human race has been of their Father."  Getting a quizzical stare from Chris, Ash went on.  "To actually believe that He would send his beloved children to be tormented for all eternity.  Ha…  It’s his fault you are the way you are.  Think of it this way.  He created you.  Now, suppose that creating humans is like creating a house.  With out a solid foundation, the house will either sink into the ground from its weight, or it will crumble and fall to pieces.  Think of Him in this way.  When He created you, there was no firm foundation.  Thus, those who do not fortify themselves, i.e. love, healthy relationships etc, sink or crumble to the ground.  I love how close your psychologists and sociologists have come to, well… hitting the nail on the head."  Taking a bite of his eggs and ham, "You’re right, this food is fabulous ."

Chris, dumbstruck by Ash’s frankness, was speechless.  Looking back down at his food he began to eat a bite or two, but didn’t really like eating anything…

"Chris, its okay.  I’m not here to crumble all your ideas about Him, or life and why you’re here.  Everyone’s ideas are just as good as the next.  He is not infallible.  If he was, why would he allow sin onto this earth."  Ash smiled and continued eating.  "Anyway… you might want to finish your breakfast.  I’m actually here on Gabriel’s behalf."  Stopping, he looked up at Chris, who was staring right back at him, "I’m sorry.  I was never good with the tact bit."

"When."  "When you’re ready.  I want to tell you something though.  I really admire you.  You came from a broken home, a father who beat you, and mother who ignored you…  And here you are.  Eighty-six years old, not a bad bone in your entire body.  Why you’ve accomplished more good in your life, than most of the world will muster in a year, and you did it all without expectation of reward.  You passed up being a bishop, which would have inevitably made you a cardinal, all so you could keep connected to the communities.  And here you sit, enjoying the human race as your family.  Bravo."  Ash smiled and went back to eating.

"So…  If you’re here for Gabriel, and you don’t actually torment souls…  What do you do?"

"Me?  Mostly I watch the human race destroy themselves.  My days of raining fire and death are long over.  Humans have accomplished that far better than I ever could have…"

Katie walked back out to check on them to find Chris slumped over in his chair and the strange man…  the strange… the… found Chris slumped over in his chair.  Running to him, she shook his arm… "Chris?"

– noah

p.s. i have a feeling it sucks.  i haven’t read it yet.  i’m gonna go find something to eat, the give it a once over…  *sigh*

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April 20, 2006

ryn: thanks noah. I guess I’m just doubting b/c I don’t have any experience to draw from. Never had to do it…and have never had it done to me…so I feel like I’m walking blind. thanks for your support, though. It’s nice to be reassured. 🙂

April 20, 2006

and by the way…this story does NOT suck. I liked it a lot. What inspired you?

April 20, 2006

Ryn: Carpentry

April 20, 2006

Ryn: Be my guest. It gets tiresome.

April 20, 2006

Ryn: LoL. Maybe for you. I did it ALL summer, and am still doing it. And I just don’t want to do it anymore. I love my grandpa, and it’s great pay. But it’s just not for me. I’m a girl. I don’t like getting splinters in me, dirt on me, or really sweaty.

April 20, 2006

I think its really good! A writer never likes their own work though, so don’t beat yourself up about it. =) You should write, to write, and if it happens to mean something to the reader then its even more worth writing. I really liked it! Im only sorry I didn’t keep up with your diary, I used to frequent it a while ago! =) I’ve been doing a lot of back reading though to catch up lol

April 20, 2006

Kepp writing ^_~. Take care beloved @}~*~~~~

April 20, 2006

so what happens to chris?? … oh and this sentence near the end just didnt make sense for me.. I read it like 6 times.. i dont get it “Katie walked back out to check on them to find Chris slumped over in his chair and the strange man… the strange… the… found Chris slumped over in his chair.”

April 20, 2006

oh by the way it is good.. i do like the idea.. and when i read the part about “do u really think god could send people to hell”.. (along those lines I know i dont have it word for word).. anyways I totally agree with that. I’ve thought that for a long time.

April 20, 2006

that whole issue is what originally got me to question my faith. I was raised as a protestant christian my whole life.. and if you didnt “ask Jesus into ur heart” you werent going to heaven.. anyways. I dont think a loving God could send people to hell. There is so much confusion and pain in the world, so much hurt..God is supposed to be loving and just. .. anyways.. I like this story.